
"You said he text you earlier, which I assume was before midnight and seeing as it's close to like 5am now, wouldn't tomorrow be today?"

"Alright smartass, I'm tired. Leave me alone." He grumbled playfully, pulling me closer towards him; "How are you feeling?"

"Tired." I smiled up at him, "But really good. Feel like I'll be missing out on something if I fall asleep though, how about you?"

"Same." He replied, the tips of his fingers dancing over the curve of my shoulder; "You're coming to the wedding, right?"

"If you want me there, Harry, I will be."

"Of course I want you there, so will dad and Jo... you are a part of the family now." Harry confirmed, as goose bumps literally cascaded all over my body; "I think the dress fitting for the girls is next week."

"Well I won't be going to that."

"Why not?"

"Because the dress fitting is for the bride, the bridesmaids and stuff, which I'm clearly not. So I won't need to go to that. I'll just go dress shopping when I have time."

Harry smiled, "Clearly, you have no idea how my mum, Gemma and Jo work yet."

"I'm sick that week, I just decided."

"Of course." Harry grinned.

"Will they really force me to go?"

"Yup." Harry chuckled quietly, "Any chance to go shopping, plus Gemma will be there too. It will be good, you should go. It doesn't matter that you're not a bridesmaid, you're the best man's piece of ass, so that makes you very important."

"Oi!" I retorted, slapping his chest hard.

"I'm kidding," he laughed, "You are a hot piece of ass though."

"And people say romance is dead."

"I'm romantic!" Harry argued, "You don't think I am?"

"You are," I smiled up at him, "Much more romantic than Dan ever was anyway."

"Well, Dan was a douche. Ha, Dan the Douche."

I shook my head, rolling my eyes at his apparently clever joke.

"Have you decided what type of outfit you're wearing yet?"

"Harry, I can just about decide what I want for breakfast when I wake up, never mind a bloody wedding outfit." I retorted, to which he grinned and laughed sheepishly into my temple, kissing it softly; "I guess going to this thing will help... it will give me an idea anyway. Put it on the list of a thousand and one things I have to do before I turn 22."

"That's coming up soon."

"I know, then your birthday is next," I clarified, "We have so much to get through in the next couple of months, it's giving my headache a fucking headache. We've got your schedule to finish up, my assignments at college, then Christmas... fucking hell, Christmas Harry. I haven't even thought about Christmas and what to get everybody-"

"Who's everybody?"

"Well your mum, your dad, Gemma... Jo too, I can't not get them anything-"

"They won't expect anything, Izzy."

"Well of course they bloody won't, yet another reason why they are so amazing."

"Have you even thought about Christmas?"

"Not exactly." I admitted, "Have you?"

"Yeah," he said sheepishly, "We do the X Factor final on 13th December, and we're pretty much done. That's the last thing we do as a band, and then we're off. And then it's Christmas. Our first Christmas together, may I add."

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