I was hopelessly and recklessly trying not to twist that into thinking that he was asking me for sex... or it was his way of putting it across, because that's what down time meant, right?

"Is that your way of asking me out on a date, Styles?" I sceptically asked, squinting my eyes playfully at him.

"Don't need to ask you out on a date, when I've already got you, Thomas."

"Cheeky shit." I grinned, "Are you buying?"

Harry nodded, his eyes lighting up as I took his hint.

"My treat."

I gazed at the laptop, and then at my sweaty boyfriend.

"Hmmm, what to do... Plan a drunken hen party or share a romantic dinner date with my sweaty ass boyfriend?"

"Rephrase that to sweaty ass, sexy boyfriend please." Harry remarked, as he began unpeeling a tangerine; "Going once, going twice..."

"Alright, I'll go to dinner with you!"

"Good." Harry smirked at me, chewing on a piece of the tangerine as he leaned against the kitchen counter; "You won't regret it. Gonna take a shower, won't be long." he added, giving me a playful smirk that made me completely weak at the knees.

I watched him slowly, leaving the kitchen and my eyesight in whole, before taking my chance to breathe again normally.

It was safe to say that since I came up with the idea of him training with Mark again, I was loving this side of Harry.

Of course, when I first mentioned it, he was completely against the idea because as he correctly told me, he had his own gym in the house.

But, as always, I managed to wangle my way in and make him see sense that he was too angry regarding the miscarriage; and that it would be good for him to have somebody motivating him and challenging him with his anger issues.

And so with his blessing, and after we discussed it together (and because he didn't want to do it off his own back- I put that down to male pride) I had messaged Mark and asked him if he was busy at all and if he could fit Harry in for three sessions a week.

I wasn't sure how many he actually wanted, but I figured three sessions (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) was a good enough start until he started to feel better about himself and us in general.

Of course, Mark was now running his own business with Muscle Machine; but he always had time for Harry and the boys, whenever they needed or wanted him.

So once he was booked in, and I had mentioned to Mark on the downside that Harry had been having a rough time of it lately (I mentioned nothing else) Harry had started his one on one sessions with Mark again, which was a mixture of fitness and boxing combined so he could channel his anger which would hopefully bring him back to me.

I smiled to myself, utterly pleased and proud as punch of Harry, knowing that he was working towards bettering himself and of course, our relationship.

I truly believed that the second he stopped blaming himself for the miscarriage- things would start to change between us.

And I was right, so far.


My reflection was one that I wasn't used to, as my usually flat hair was now blow-dried and thick with hair spray, adding a sense of volume as the dark waves spilled over across my face.

My make up was heavy, but subtle, dark eyes clashing with my now tan glowed skin (it was fake, obviously) but it complimented the rosy glow that adorned my cheeks, matching my red bubble-gum stained lips.

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