"Is that even a valid question?"

I grinned, "Point taken. But seriously, what would you like? Might as well start planning ahead while I'm doing this."

"I don't want anything." Harry responded coolly.


"Because everything that I want, is right here in this room with me. Waking up to you, and our baby is the greatest birthday gift you can give me."

My lip protruded outwards as I pouted at him, feeling my heart race as I fluttered my eyelashes at him, stopping the tear ducts that were brutal as hell on me recently.

"You're so..."

"Lovely?" he smiled.

"That's one way of putting it." I replied happily.

Pull yourself together, you have a hen party to organise.

I huffed to myself, switching back to the screen and writing notes in my little book.

Honestly, I had no bloody clue on how to organise a hen party, but after the success of the baby shower (well, sort of) I was determined to make sure that Phoebe's last night of freedom before she married Liam was going to be the biggest and best night of her life.

And mine, of course.

"Besides," Harry said, "Don't forget when you're planning this thing, that Phoebe's mum and Liam's mum will also be there. Not to mention his sisters, too. Karen Payne might have a heart attack with the stripper." he grinned wickedly at me.

I frowned at him, "I am planning this hen party, and what I say, goes. End of."

"Just warning you, babe."

Ignoring him, I clicked on the first website I found on google, I settled myself crossed legged, a cup of tea in my hand and my notepad and pen at the ready.

"Leave me alone... I need to track down the hottest strippers ever."

Planning a Hen Party, but don't know where to start?

Follow our Guide to Planning the Perfect Party!

While we love to look after our brides here at One Fab Night, there are some very important (and hard-working) girls we can't forget about: the bridesmaids.

As a bride they are your go to girls to rant at, cry with, get excited with, count on and most of all they embark on the wedding planning with you, no questions asked (most of the time!)

So unless you're Jane from 27 Dresses, most of us haven't been a bridesmaid before and need a little help to make sure things run smoothly.

We shared 13 Rules that Make the Perfect Bridesmaid not so long ago, we hope it came in handy as your mantra when buying the bridesmaid dresses or during planning sessions over cups of tea (or prosecco depending how you roll) discussing colour palettes and floral arrangements.

Today however we are sharing the ultimate bridesmaid advice Hen Party Guide:

Top Tips to Plan the Perfect Party.

Personally I wonder if I should have gotten a degree in Event Management before I began planning my sister's Hen Party.

Between staying local or weekends away, must-have activities, blending a mix of friends along with Mammy's, Aunties and 3rd cousins, all while keeping the bride happy and making sure everyone is going to have the best time ever, you might say I'm a little overwhelmed.

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