His hair was messy, and his chest was on display to me, his tattoos now matching with the marks, scratches, bruises and bites I had left on him... and then I looked away.

Jesus, he was just as banged up as I was.

Was it ever really a good idea to mix wine, pizza and angry sex up?

Probably not, but we had a lot of fun with it I guess.

"Your chest..." I said with a whisper, as I neared him, leaning on my knees as I lost the sheet; "I'm sorry..."

"Don't apologise for that." He said with a small smirk, "Honestly... I kind of liked it." he said softly, his hands moving south as his fingers gently brushed against my hips.

"You did?"

Harry nodded, "Did you?"

"Yeah..." I whispered truthfully, "Paying for it now though." I added with a snicker of laughter, watching Harry carefully as he finally touched me on my hips; "Why are you so nervous?" I asked gently.

Harry bowed his head, "I'm sorry." He whispered, "I never meant for any of this to happen-"

I sighed, wondering when we were ever going to move on from this nightmare.

I knew he felt bad and I knew he felt like he had to constantly apologise, but the truth was I was over it.

Now that we had our little separation to deal with, I didn't want to spend what time I had left with him going over the same thing again and again.

"It doesn't matter anymore, Harry." I said, cupping his face as I brushed his hair back.

"It does." He argued back, "I fucked up and... I should have told you from the start, but-"

"You're right." I whispered, my hand caressing his jaw lightly; "You should have, but everything happens for a reason and you did what you thought was right at the time... but I think..." I said lowly, "I think that if we keep going over and over it, we're never going to learn. So stop apologising."

"Izzy, I really am sorry-" he whispered sadly, not meeting my eye contact before he realised what he had said.

I lifted his chin up gently, forcing him to look at me.

"Hey, I know you are, Harry."

"I won't ever do it again, I promise."

"I know." I whispered, my fingers on my left hand now touching his chest as he moved closer towards me, the silk sheet slowly falling from my body; "I know you're sorry."

"I never meant any of those horrible things I said either.... and for calling you a slut." He said slowly, his voice cracking a little; "Because you're anything but one. I feel fucking awful for saying it, let alone thinking it."

I smiled softly, "Well, technically speaking I called myself a slut, you didn't actually call me one. You just threw it back in my face."

Harry nodded, "I'm-"

I arched my eyebrow at him, causing him to smile.

"I just have so much more to say," he whispered, "I don't know where to start."

"Me neither." I whispered guilty, "But we were both just trying to hurt each other and get one over on one another... it's okay, Harry." I reassured him, finally losing the silk sheet and bringing him into me.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, my fingers gently scraping his scalp as I comforted him, feeling his own arms wrap around my body as he held me tightly, his lips brushing gently across my skin.

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