Cradle 2 (English)

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Halilintar is frustrated. like, really irritated. The fact that he is not electrocuted at the source of the problem is a miracle. The baby in his arm couldn't stop crying for lord's sake. This thing might already make Halilintar insane for the crazed crying that prevented him from taking a rest. He couldn't get a good sleep the other night!

"Please, calm down?" He was even begging, and yet the tiny being in his hand was stubborn. 

'What the hell is wrong with this thing?!'

He is especially not glad when he meets certain whites and grays.



"Stop pointing your sword at me!"

"Stop pointing your finger at me!"

and a high-pitched wail reverberates through the forest. 

Supra wakes up sniffling and hearing that oh-so-familiar wail.

"Holy sh**, Is that Gentar?" Halilintar raised the baby like how he usually brought groceries.

"God lord! You can't manhandle him like that!"

Solar is really tempted to facepalm, right at this moment.

"He is fine."

"No, he's not! That's why he's crying, you moron!"

Solar, with a bit of difficulty, corrects Halilintar on how to carry a baby.

"That's better."

Magically, Gentar stayed silent after that.

"How do you know something like this?"

"Unlike you, I read many things."
A muffled whine, Solar checked Supra, who nuzzled his chest for attention.



And Halilintar marvels as Supra is safely tucked inside some sort of blanket. His eyes were staring at him, cooing cutely. Halilintar even caresses Supra cheek just to make sure that it is quishy... which is right.

Supra is holding his finger. Trying to absorb a tiny bit of his other parent's energy.

"Your jacket?"

"He needs it more than me."

'Wow, I never thought of this standoffish person as someone who cares.'

"You should do the same."


"Gentar is literally shivering, you idiot!"

And forgive him for his lack of common sense regarding taking care of a child!

So Halilintar did what Solar ordered and carefully covered Gentar in his jacket. The baby makes a soft hum and looks at him in the eyes. He even tightly held the jacket. Doesn't want to let go.

"Do you know where the other is?"

"I don't know."

"Then how come we meet?"

"Because I heard Gentar cry."

"That loud?"

Solar nodded and watched as the light of this planet went down. 

"We need to rest."

Solar saw Halilintar move.

"Where are you going?"

"I will try to make something..."

"At least give Gentar to me."

Supra is certainly pouting when Halilintar's finger moves away. He felt distressed when he couldn't see the outline of that black hoody.

"Ssshhhh, it's okay. Don't worry, he will be back. "

And Solar cradles two babies in his arm. The other was already half-assleep in his embrace while the other was fascinatedly staring at him. Pating at him. Then snuggle as he feels warm.

"Must be bad with that stone face."
Gentar nodded. Pouting at the mention of his caretaker, then smiling and nuzzling Solar.

When Halilintar came back, he saw a few balls of light circling Solar, as if some sort of deity was watching over the tiny being.

"What took you so long?"

"I was trying to search for something."

They move in tandem. When everything is ready, they huddle close to the dismay of the gray and black figure. 

Halilintar watches sidely from time to time. Solar checks the boys in his embrace. Breathing or not. Waking or not. 

A simple comment left from Halilintar's mouth.

"You look like a mom."

"You said that again I'm gonna murder you."

"Momma Solar?"

"You—!" That made the little bundles in his arm cry.

"Hsshhhh, I'm sorry."

The two silently agree to not aggravate their egos.

"Do you know what happened before we came here?"

That made Halilintar turn to him.

"Have you forgotten? We are supposed to... supposed to..." a look of realization crossed on Halilintar's face.

"Exactly, as I thought something was preventing us from remembering..."

"But who? Why?"

Then, their on their own thought after that.

Solar watches the sky. Calculating the time before the four of them start starving, because it's already a day or two? since their last meal. He is worried about the babies and their other companions with their babies. Hoping beyond hope that they could survive. Hoping that the simpleton Thorn could survive this. Or Ice have that tiny sympathy to take care of the baby. Hope that everyone will be okay, uninjured.

He was too focused on thinking when he felt the sudden weight on his shoulder.

Halilintar fell asleep on his shoulder!

Such a shocking discovery!

Truth be told, he looked more tired than usual. Must be the previous night not so kind on him or Gentar cry prevent him from sleeping? He imagined the latter.

Solar sighed. He willed the ball of light to come closer. Protecting this little companion?Comrade? Or is it family? From any outside force they will encounter sooner or later.

Just for today, Solar let Halilintar sleep on his shoulder.

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