Katsuki X Suicidal Reader Part 3

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A/N: This is the final part and I am only writing this to get the rest of Class 1-A's reaction to your attempted suicide and what they plan to do to make you feel better. It's going to be short.


Izuku felt so guilty, tremendously guilty right along with the rest of the class. While Katsuki had gone to the infirmary to wake for you to wake up the rest of the class stayed in the common room, sniffles, noses being blown and tears shed amongst everyone. 

"What did we do to make them feel so bad about themselves? Where did we go wrong? Why didn't we see the signs?" Denki was crying and had not stopped crying. He knew how it was to be suicidal, how it felt not to be good enough, how it felt to self-harm. He knew so well. Why didn't he see the signs?

"We couldn't have known..." Tenya was trying to be reassuring but, he didn't sound convinced himself. Overanalyzing and nit-picking at every interaction he had with you and every interaction he witnessed. How many of those expressions of pain and frustration were internal instead of external? He was one to always preach about mental health but, here you were fighting for your life. 

"We should have known. Obviously, we played a big part in deteriorating their mental state. Of course, there were other factors but, we played a major role. We ignored it. All of us." Jiro used to pride herself in being able to pick up on people's moods but, clearly, she is not as good as she self-proclaimed to be. The only day that truly struck out to her was yesterday when you were so happy. So unbelievably happy, you smiled with everyone, you hugged everyone, you did everything to make everyone happy. She should have known. She should have noticed the 180 in personality you did.

"They were so happy yesterday with all of us. I thought maybe we finally got through with them. I always thought they were so standoffish but, I was so wrong." Sero was rubbing his arms while sniffing. He always thought that you were just awkward and chose to stay to yourself like Shoji, Koda, and Tokoyami liked to. He never thought you would be hurting so badly. He never thought you needed help so badly. Why didn't he see it?

"Those were the signs. They were crying out for help for so long and we just didn't notice or even care to notice. Until yesterday. Yesterday they came to terms and peace with what they were doing that's why they acted so different." Momo started crying all again. "I dared called myself their friend when I didn't know anything about them." Everyone in the room had to come to terms with that. They had to come to terms with the fact that they almost lost you if it wasn't for Bakugo. They all got those horrendous messages, frantic with worry and running for Aizawa. Bakugo seemed to have gotten his message last which is why they didn't question when he blasted his way to the roof. They needed Aizawa and hopefully, Bakugo wouldn't be too late. They were almost too late. That almost could have been a reality. They don't like that.

"Some heroes we are." Kirishima was sniffling and crying feeling like a weight was on his chest. He wanted to be the manly hero, he wanted to put a smile on people's faces but, here he was not even able to save a classmate. What kind of hero was he?

"I guess we can say that for all of us." Ochako had tissues bawling up in her hands as she and Tsu hugged each other. "We really failed them. We failed them as a class. We failed them as heroes... We failed them as friends." The class was crying staying quiet trying to think up what to do. 

"We can't overwhelm them once they come back to class." That was Mina who said that. "As much as I want to hug them that is not what they need. They can't be overwhelmed. We need to take our time. We need to rebuild our foundation and trust in them. That will take time. We all need to earn their trust again." Everyone was in agreement. 

"I think Bakugo is going to spend time with them first and then as a group with the Bakusquad. After us, they can hang out with the Deku squad and get comfortable with them again. Everyone else comes after at their own terms on clear conditions and clear boundaries." That was Momo who said all of this and everyone was agreeing.

"So...can we call this operation Y/N? Or is that to cliche?" Denki was prepared to get jabbed in the eye or a slap over the head but, he got voices of encouragement and agreement. 

"I like it! Yeah! Operation Y/N is going to be one of our toughest mission to pass but, nothing is too hard for us future heroes!" That was Toru and with her encouragement, the whole class said aye and started creating plans on how to help and be better people, better friends, and better heroes.


That is all for this! This is the final part of this mini one-shot series

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