Flirty Izuku X POC Midsized Female Reader

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A/N: Self indulgent and everyone is 3rd years. Growth spurts happened.


You decided to try your luck today and leave your hair natural for the rest of the week. You had washed your hair Sunday and was feeling lazy not wanting to put a wig or even blow dry it and flat iron it so you just left it in it's natural state. You had more than enough hair products to keep it from puffing up and frizzing up. Even though it's going to do that by the end of the day.

"Wow Y/N, your hair is so pretty!" Mina came and went to touch your hair a bit. She was one of the very few select people that can touch your hair without you catching an attitude. You took too much time to try and get it right, you refused for someone to be all touchy feely with your hair.

"Thanks Mina, I had to use a lot of leave-in conditioner and oils so it doesn't puff up like a peacock's tail." The two of you started talking before she got distracted by the bakusquad and she left you to walk by yourself. This allowed you to think for a bit about why you went the extra mile today. You wanted to get Izuku's attention desperately. You guys had just become third years and over the summer Izuku had a growth spurt and he went from a short powerhouse to a tall one. He was tall in your book at least. You didn't spend much time with him or the dekusquad due to internships but, you guys still would talk over the phone and do video chats.

"I like the new hair-do Y/N-chan." You turned to Tsu smiling at her. She grew a little bit too but, she was still short and was built too. She had muscles all over her body and she finally built up her courage to ask out Tokoyami. They were now considered a 'power couple'.

"Thanks Tsu-chan.." The two of you chatted for a bit and eventually the rest of the Dekusquad appeared like they always did. Ochako had gotten over her crush on Izuku once she realized her advances weren't taking her no where so now she was with Tenya. Shoto started dating Camie from Shiketsu and they worked out pretty well. You and Izuku were the only single ones of the group which often you were teased about. It's not your fault Izuku was oblivious and you didn't want to ruin the precious friendship you had cause of feelings.

"We have a half a day so, do you guys wanna go to the arcade?" Wait a damn minute you do? What day was it? You looked at your calendar and saw it was in fact Thursday meaning it was a half a day for third years with internships but, the loophole was that any 3rd year can leave regardless of the reason.

"It sounds great, you in Y/N?" You turned to Izuku who spoke to you and you nodded your head. He grinned down at you turning back to the others to continue his conversation with them. You lingered in the back with Tsu talking about her internship with Selkie.

"Do you think we can head to the dorms first and change into something comfortable?" Oh yeah, you guys were all in your school uniform. Not that it was hiding how thick with muscles Izuku gotten. Don't even get you started on his scars, good lord. He also decided to get a new style and do a man bun with an undercut. The power this man holds over you and he has no idea.

"Of course doll" You faltered a bit at that glancing up at Izuku but, he continued his conversation as if he didn't just call you doll. This man. The rest of you made it to the dorms and split up. You didn't realize that everyone had gone their separate directions and it was only you and Izuku waiting for the elevator to the 6th floor. They added an extra 3 floors to the 1A dorm to allow more space for the class which was appreciated. It was 20 people so now instead of 6-7 people per floor it was 3 from floors 2-6 and the ground floor had the other 5 since it was essentially much bigger. Anyway, you Izuku and Mineta live on the top floor. He's gotten a lot better in his mannerisms but, you still didn't like him much. Lucky for the two of you, he was literally on the other end of the hallway that was a good 2 minute walk. The elevator opened and the two of stepped inside

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