"It would have been if you didn't get rid of me!" I snap at him.

"You should be thanking me! I got you of this island, go back and live your princess life. It's not a request." He looks at Jay. "You better get her back safe and try not to get caught again because I won't be there to help."

"Yes sir." Jay nods, he takes my hand and tries to pull me along with him, but I refuse to move. "Hallie, we should go."

"I'm not leaving." I stand my ground.

"You will do as you're told." Hades snaps.

"No. You don't get to tell me what to do, nobody does."

"You're not welcome here."

"I don't care, I need answers. I want answers."

"What answers? You already know it all, what more could you want." I give him a confused look. "You do know it all don't you?"

"If I did, do you really think I'd be here trying to get answers from you." He glares at me. "Why do you think that I already know it all?"

"Because that was the deal that I made with them, they'd tell you when you turned 16."

"Yeah, well they didn't keep to their end of the deal, they were never going to tell me."

"Well boo hoo, go cry to someone who cares."

"I did, I ended up brining him along with me." I say sarcastically.

"Well then go home."

"I'm not going to leave until I have what I came here for." Hades smirks.

"Spoken like a true villain. Wouldn't you say so Jay?" He looks at Jay, he does his best not to look scared. "Are you two dating?"

"What? No, he's my friend."

"Eh whatever."

"If you tell me what I want to know then I'll leave." I beg "Please, you cared enough to have me sent away. So why not care now?" He looks angry.

"Fine, come with me." He looks at Jay. "You go back to the fancy island."

"I'm not leaving her." Jay states.

"Then I'm not telling her anything."

"Jay." I look at him, he looks back. "Please, you know this is my only chance to learn the truth."

"How do you know that he will actually tell you the truth? He's a villain, all they do is lie."

"You're forgetting you're a VK Jay."

"Hallie please."

"Jay, I need to find out."

"I don't have all day." Hades comments. "And a few people are watching, give it any more time and people will begin to whisper." Hades begins to walk away.

"Hallie, you're coming back with me. This was a bad idea." Jay tells me, I ignore him and follow Hades. "Hallie! If you don't come back with me then I will tell them." I stop and turn to face him.

"Do it." He gives me a guilty look before I go back to following Hades, thankfully he stayed still until I was ready. He looked slightly impressed before going back to being angry looking, I follow him down into a cave which I'm assuming is where he lives. "This is... Cozy."

"I don't care what you think of it."


"The only reason I've let you in here is because I want you gone; I don't want you here. Let me make that very clear." Ouch, so I have one family who lie to me, and my real dad doesn't want me. Well, I can't really expect anything else from him.

"I know."

"Good. Now here's your answers, I didn't want you. So, I gave you up, I never cared. Nobody here would take you; the only other option was over there unless I wanted to be hung for killing a newborn baby." He flops down in his chair without a care in the world, I stand in shock. I don't even know why I'm surprised but still, it hurts to know that's what your own biological father thought of you. He didn't even look at me while telling me this. "Now you can leave, you have your answers."

"Who's my mom?" I ask him, he ignores me. "Who is my mom?" I ask in a more demanding tone.

"It doesn't matter, they wouldn't want to know you."

"Are you always this mean to people?"



"Because it's who I am kid, I like it this way."

"I don't think you do."

"Why are you still here? I told you what you wanted to know."

"You told me that you didn't want me that's it." He shrugs.

"Boo hoo, what did you expect? Some lovey dovey family reunion? Did you really think that I would care about you?" I wasn't sure what to say to him, I don't even know what I really wanted to hear. "Well news flash, that will never happen."

"If you didn't care about me at all, why didn't you just leave me? Why go through all the trouble to get in touch with Beast and Belle?" He stands up and walks towards me. "I'm not scared of you Hades." He takes my arm and begins to drag me towards the exit.

"Leave. Now." He lets go off my arm. "I'm done answering your stupid questions."

"They're only stupid because you refuse to show that you care about your own daughter!" He glares at me; I'm not backing down. I refuse to believe that he didn't even care a little bit. "If you want me gone then answer my questions. Because I will just keep finding my way back here until I get answers." He sighs in frustration.

"5 minutes and then you leave got it?" I nod, he goes and sits back down. I carefully make my way to sit on the stairs opposite where he was sat.

"Why didn't you want me?"

A Pirates Life for Me | Harry HookWhere stories live. Discover now