Cheat, Rebounds & True Love 🧡💔

948 14 6

plot: Being cheated on isn't a fun experience, but how does y/n recover from it?

word count: 7351

warning(s): cheating, cussing, angst

a/n: based on sabrina's emails i can't send...i know this song was in the perspective of a daughter finding out that her dad had cheated, but it's such an emotional song and i just sorta decided to tweak a little bit to fit the scenario...also another song from eics because hearing this song live changed my life

It's times like these wish I had a time machine
So I could see what you did October thirteenth
At 10:15, were you really asleep?
Were you lying to me and the family?

October. Many people associate it with Halloween, where they invite their friends to visit haunted houses and have the best fucking time of their lives. Me, on the other hand, feel the haunting feeling creeping the moment mid-October arrives. But it's not the cause of Halloween, it's because of a person, rather.

JJ Maybank to be exact.

The amount of times his name gets mentioned is honestly triggering for me, to the point where I just wish he hadn't happened to me. Maybe I would be better off living my best life and actually being able to celebrate Halloween without feeling like the past 30 days in October was an absolute shitshow.

But that's just how life is for us, people come and go. You can't expect anyone to stay forever, really. People claim that they make 'mistakes', or sometimes they do make genuine mistakes, but that didn't mean that we were obliged to forgive them without a second thought.

If he weren't thinking before doing something, what made him think that he deserved my forgiveness?

When these type of things happen to you for the first time, it's a weird feeling. It feels raw, new, unexpected to be exact. I had no idea what it was like to be cheated on, I hadn't noticed any signs before I found out, all I knew was that from movies, you're supposed to get angry, frustrated and upset.

But on the contrary, I wasn't feeling like that at all. Denial struck first for me. I didn't want to hear anything that rumours that the island were spreading, even when Sarah and Kie had told me about the news, I couldn't believe it. Seeing the worry etched across their faces as I defended JJ to the core, telling them not to believe what others were saying, only now I realised how dumb I was from the very beginning.

After hearing the exact words, 'Yes, I cheated on you! So what are you going to do about it?' from JJ's mouth, it finally hit me. I'll never forget that night where I had to crouch against the locked door as my hand was pressed over my mouth, silencing my cry.

He fucked another woman behind my back and didn't even seem remorseful, that was the part that hurt.

Then, came acceptance. After weeks of thinking about the situation, I finally came to a conclusion that I wouldn't be able to time travel back to before I found out about him cheating on me to choose not to find out instead. I accepted what had happened to me, and what's done is done. Now, I had to focus on the future and what I was going to do with my life.

Just because a man cheated on me, that wasn't equivalent to my life being over. At the age of 20, there was so much more of life to live. This wasn't the end of the world.

Packing my bags in our shared apartment, I ran a hand through my messy hair as I zipped up the last of my things. I couldn't help but feel a lack of energy in my body in general, my eyes felt heavy and strained to open. My whole body seemed to be slowly falling apart and shutting down without me even noticing.

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