Go (Part 3) 💛

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Plot: JJ and Y/n finally gets settled...

word count: 1660

warning(s): none

"Wow, home sweet home" I giggled as JJ and I entered the chateau. He had proposed to me a few months ago during a romantic dinner in Chicago, and we decided to come back to our old roots for the wedding. "Y/n! You're back!!" Kie and Sarah squealed as they rushed over to me in a bone crushing hug as John B and Pope approached JJ and gave him a hug as well.

"Oh look, it's the little Pogue sister" John B joked as I glared at him before giving him and Pope a hug. "It feels so good to be back" I sighed and looked around. "Yeah, we were just cleaning up a little before you guys arrived. It was dusty" John B said as JJ sat down on the couch beside me.

"I still can't believe you found JJ in Chicago" Sarah laughed as I shrugged. "What can I say? I'm a pretty lucky person" I giggled as everyone laughed. "So, how's the wedding coming along?" Kie asked as John B helped bring our bags into the spare bedroom.

"It's coming up great, have you got your dresses and tux yet?" JJ asked as they all pointed to the hung up clothing by the door. "Oh my god, it's prettier than in pictures!" I squealed in excitement. "But you'll be the prettiest out of everyone" JJ mumbled as I blushed. This boy still manages to make me blush and it's absolutely crazy.

"I've never seen JJ so in love" Pope laughed as JJ groaned. "Oh come on, shut up. How long are you guys gonna tease me about it?" He huffed as we all laughed out loud. "Okay, well. I have places to be before our wedding. We'll take the twinkie!" I exclaimed to John B in the kitchen as JJ and I headed out of the chateau as we got in the twinkie, heading to look for some more wedding items.

Fast forward to a week later, I was at Sarah's house with Kie while JJ was at the chateau with John B and Pope. "Are you excited for the wedding?" Sarah asked as she did my hair while Kie did my makeup.

"Yeah! I finally got to marry him after so many years, it's just unbelievable he was the right person for me the whole time" I giggled as Sarah laughed. "You're so in love, but who am I to judge? I was like this on my wedding day too" She laughed as I smiled.

"So Kie, when?" I hinted at her as she laughed and shook her head. "Shut up, I need to focus on my career path" She spoke as I shrugged. "Sure" I told her as Wheezie came into the room. "Sarah! JJ wants to see y/n" Wheezie asked as Sarah ran for the door.

"No! That's against the rules! Go away JJ" She spoke to the phone before ushering Wheezie out of the room as she slammed the door shut. "Oh come on, you should've just given him one quick glance. I'm doing such a good job with the makeup" Kie joked as we all laughed.

Soon, I finished getting ready as I put on the dress while Kie and Sarah just stared at me in awe. "You look so pretty" Sarah complimented as I stared at myself in the mirror. "This dress is pretty" I smiled as Kie looked at the clock.

"Oh god, we're running late. We have to go, right now!" Kie ushered as I grabbed my things and headed out of Sarah's house for the car. It took us less than 5 minutes to get down to the wedding location, which was along the beach. I saw the bright lights and set-up of my wedding as the car came to a stop.

"Okay, let's go y/n" Kie said as she helped me out of the car. "Careful" Sarah mentioned as I walked slowly with my long wedding dress. As Sarah left to get the signal to begin, my Dad came up beside me as he flashed me a grin.

"My baby is finally getting married" He laughed as I smiled. "Okay, we're good to begin!" Sarah came running back as her and Kie rushed off. The music was cued and flower petals were being thrown as my Dad and I linked our arms together and walked down the aisle while I saw the love of my life at the end of the aisle.

Once I reached JJ, I finally got a chance to see how good JJ looked in a tux. His hair was neatly styled and he had a bright smile on his face. "Take good care of her" My dad whispered to JJ before he went to take a seat.

We both waited patiently for the marriage officiant to read out all the legal documents before he presented us time to exchange our vows. JJ began first as he took out a piece of paper from his tux pocket.

"Um, y/n... god where do I begin? You're perfect, you're funny, you're the best person I've ever met in my life. As cliche as it sounds, I'd say this was love at first sight. Even though we had our bumps in our journey, I'm so glad that I've chosen the right path and not to give up on us. You know, it's funny because I've referred to us as the power couple for a while now. Even though we were apart for 7 years, we eventually reconciled. If that was possible, I believe anything else is possible. I vow to be faithful, and to be your best friend, no matter what the future holds. I promise to root for you and cheer you on, and be your biggest fan. And I promise to spend the future loving you" JJ spoke as I felt tears pricking at my eyes. Happy tears.

"Wow, JJ... he said everything. Where do I start?" I let out a chuckle as the guests followed. "Well, JJ. As you may already know, you're a really special person in my life. You bring the light to my life, you bring joy to my life and you bring laughter to my life. I love how you often make up the most random jokes on the spot just to try and make me laugh when I'm in a bad mood. I love how you always bring me food when you're visiting, knowing that I'll be hungry. I love how you constantly notice these small details in my life and I couldn't be more thankful and grateful to have you in my life. I still remember, there was once, a long time ago. I was angry because I couldn't understand my homework from school, and even though you couldn't really help me, I know that you had tried your best to encourage me and relieve my stress levels. And I was really happy at how we just ended up getting food and watching the stars in the sky. I vow to love you regardless of circumstances, and to support you nonetheless. I promise to always be by your side and to spend the rest of my life with you" I spoke out aloud as JJ stared at me with a grin and tears in his eyes too.

Right after that, the both of us exchanged our rings as we waited impatiently for the final stage of the wedding. "Congratulations to JJ Maybank and Y/n Maybank, you are now officially pronounced husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride" The marriage official spoke as JJ leaned in as we did a soft kiss. It was different from the normal ones we had, this was filled with a lot more love and passion.

As we pulled away, the guests clapped and cheered as we both smiled as the Pogues started coming to us to pose for pictures.

"Wow, what a long day" Kie yawned as I laughed, sitting back on the couch in the chateau next to her. Our wedding was officially over, and it was already 7pm. Sarah and John B had gone to get dinner for everyone while everyone else just chilled in the chateau. I had changed into a comfier after-wedding dress and JJ took off his tux. "I still can't wrap my head around the fact that they're already married. It felt like yesterday when they started dating" Pope said as I smiled and turned to JJ.

"It's feeling like a bliss" I admitted as JJ winked at me. "Dinner's back!" Sarah screeched as we all cheered rushing to the dining table. "You guys can take a seat first, I brought something special back to the chateau" She said as we all frowned and sat down at the dining table, not knowing what she was talking about.

She grabbed a bottle of Champagne out of the cabinet and some glasses as she started pouring some for each of us. "Wow, so we're rich and fancy now" John B remarked as Kie smirked. "Thank my clothing business" She replied as he rolled his eyes. Classic Pogues.

She placed each glass in front of everybody as she sat down and sighed. "So, we're back here again, exactly where we were years ago, when we graduated from high school. Except that now we're all rich, successful and drinking champagne. Cheers to Y/n and JJ everyone!" Kie cheered as we all clinked our glasses together before taking sips from our glasses.

It felt so good to be back in the same place again after almost a decade, knowing that this was where I had grown up and was also where my childhood was. These were all my friends and practically my family, and I was grateful for them. Except that now one of them is my lover.

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