Broken Parts 💔💛

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plot: JJ & y/n have both broken up, but they both have broken parts in them that can only be healed by each other

word count: 4310

warning(s): swearing, death, abusive dad, car accident

"I-I don't know what to do, Dad" I sobbed hard as my knees were aching from the long kneeling in front of my father's tombstone. It had been a really difficult day for me, considering how whatever things I had done just reminded me of JJ.

He had left  3 nights ago, and I still couldn't erase the pain flashed across both our faces when we realised that what we thought was long time coming, finally came. Although it wasn't the most surprising announcement, I was definitely still upset and miserable.

To think about all the times in the future where I have a shit day and just needed someone to cuddle with and comfort me, that someone in particular wasn't going to be there anymore. In fact, he was going to be far far away from me.

I remembered all too well the night before he left, the way he held me in his arms, it felt like heaven. But he knew all along. He knew that that was his last chance to hold me, his last chance to show that he cares and love me before he had to go. In the end, we were both just lovers that had no choice but to be separated for the better.

"Please... h-help me" I sniffled as I clutched on to my dad's tombstone, body suddenly feeling weaker than ever. I then remembered that I hadn't eaten anything since the morning JJ had left.

My dad had passed away just barely 2 years ago due to a car accident while he was working in Nashville, Tennessee. I was super close to my dad, constantly following him around his small little office whenever I was younger when I had visited his company. He would call me his little bunny as I loved hopping from places to places, and it was his special nickname for me even as I grew up. Only he was able to call me that.

My heart felt like it had malfunctioned several times within the time span of 5 minutes when my dad's car accident was announced to me on the phone. My mom and I had rushed down to Nashville instantly the moment after, only to see him in a coma. I still get goosebumps thinking about how I wanted to wash my eyesight from the nasty way a dozen tubes were hanging around his upper body while bandages were everywhere in the lower half. Unfortunately, after 2 full months of battling, his body succumbed to the injuries.

From then onwards, I was always indirectly titled the miserable or sad one in my whole group of friends. I absolutely hated how John B, Kie, Sarah or Pope was constantly asking me whether I was fine. Only JJ kept quiet about my situation, which I was largely thankful for. 

However, as the days after his death went on, I knew that my friends were right. I wasn't okay. I would break down in the middle of nowhere when I was triggered, mostly in the night as that was when my thoughts ran free. I would find my cheeks stained with tears when I wake up in the morning, and my pillow would be soaked from my tears.

That was until JJ found me one day. I remember that one day in summer, it was my dad's death anniversary. I couldn't blame my friends for wanting to go surfing, I genuinely did too, but I just couldn't put in the energy to. Even though I had lied and told them that I was sick, JJ knew that something else was bothering me, so he offered to stay behind to take care of me while everyone else left.

I have never shed more tears ever than that day as JJ just continued to hold me in his arms tightly as I let out loud, painful cries, trying to release all my pain for good. And I was surprised that he didn't ask questions or wanted to ask anything, he just focused on helping me feel better.

The same occurred with JJ as well. I had never knew that he had issues at home since he had never once brought it up openly. I always assumed that he had gotten into fights with the kooks since he was pretty open about hating them.

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