Chapter 11 - The Yule Ball

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"Oh just do it," Lee said, a grin now forming on his face.

Milena looked back at Fred and marched over to the side of his bed before throwing herself on top of him. He let out a little grunt, throwing the pillow he had over his face at Milena who laughed.

"Good morning, Freddie!" she shouted, shaking him.

He finally opened his eyes to see Milena hovering over him and smiling. He pulled himself up a little bit looking her over, a smile forming on his face finally realizing who was on top of him.

"You know, I could get used to this view," he said in his groggy morning voice. Milena already liked hearing the sound of his voice, but something about his voice in the morning made her stomach flip, though she never would have let him know that.

"Get a room, would ya?" George said, pulling a new shirt over his head.

"Come on, it's Christmas!" Milena said, tapping Fred's shoulder as she stood up. "I'm gonna wait in the common room for everyone. Don't take too long or I'm taking your presents!"

It didn't take too long for everyone to join Milena in the common room. Some other students had already come down and were opening presents with their friends, others had opted to stay in bed for a while longer. Milena and her friends had begun passing around presents, opening ones from each other and from their families who had sent them presents too.

She had received plenty of great gifts, most of which she never would have expected. Her parents had sent her her mother's homemade fudge she made every year at christmas and a couple of new books she could read in her spare time. Molly had also sent her another sweater, this time in red, with an "M" knitted into it.

"Wow, mum must really like you," George said, watching her pull the sweater out of the box.

"Ya hear that, Fred? I think your mum might like me better than you," Milena teased.

"I mean that's really not that hard to do," Fred joked back.

Once most of the presents had been torn through, Milena went to check what was left of the pile knowing Fred hadn't opened her gift to him yet. It had gotten mixed in with other presents people had piled on that morning, so she wasn't entirely sure where it was at first until she found the little green box she had wrapped under some tossed wrapping paper.

"Here Fred, this one is from me," Milena smiled, handing him the box.

He reached for the box, lifting off of his seat a little to grab it and plopped back down in his spot. He quickly tore the wrapping paper off of the box and tossed it aside, pulling the box open. He smiled, looking into the box and reached in, pulling out a silver watch and some chocolates from the box.

"Wow, this is really nice," Fred said, trying the watch on. As he clasped it, the chain link around his wrist magically adjusted itself so it fit perfectly to his wrist. "Thanks Mills. Here, I have one for you too."

Fred stood from his seat and went to dig through what was left of the presents to find a flat, little red box that he pulled from under the tree. He turned to Milena and handed her the box, eager for her to open it. She happily accepted the box and pulled the wrapping paper off, a little more gently than Fred had with his present. She pulled a black, velvet box out from the wrapping paper and opened it to reveal a beautiful silver locket with floral details around the top. She was in awe of the present as she stared at the necklace.

"Do you like it?" Fred asked. "I found it in the window of a little shop in Hogsmeade when George, Lee and I were leaving Zonko's."

"It's beautiful, Freddie," she replied, pulling the locket out of the box. She popped the locket open and inside was a tiny photo of Milena and Fred. Fred was holding her in his arms, bridal style and was about to throw her into the pond outside the burrow which she had clearly already been in.

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