"...And would the two of you like to know the sex now?"

Natsu's focus came back again when he heard Lucy confirm that they'd like to know, and his mouth went dry as he watched the ultrasound scan over what seemed to be the same areas a few times.

He meant it when he said it wouldn't make him feel any differently depending on what the sex was, but knowing would make him feel closer to them in a way. It'd help him picture the future with their kid just that much better.

After a bit more scanning around, the woman to their right nodded her head and smiled, "Looks to me like you'll be having a girl."

"Ah geez," Lucy giggled a bit louder this time, "My mom is never gonna shut up about this."

Natsu returned her laughter, "But does this mean there's a higher chance of us naming the baby Lucy Jr. now?"

"Hush, you."

"Alright, I'll let you think about it."

"We are not naming our child 'Lucy Jr.'"

"Why not? It's cute!"

"It's lame."

"I know plenty of Juniors that would take offense to that, Luce."


Smiling fondly at the couple, the sonographer quietly printed off a decent amount of the screenshots she'd taken throughout the scanning, equipped with little captions on the most important parts to make for great keepsakes.


The car stayed in park for a bit while the couple waited for the heat to settle inside, Lucy taking this time to look through the ultrasound pictures they had. Her head swam with ideas of hanging them up somewhere in their nursery, and maybe later keeping most of them on her desk when the baby's a little older.

Natsu watched her skim through them in a content silence, occupied by his own thoughts of getting one copied to a smaller size so he could carry it in his wallet. As his girlfriend settled on a scan that looked like their baby's foot, he wrapped his arm around her shoulders and leaned closer to her.

"I hope she looks like you."

He whispered it in her ear, getting her to shudder before she processed what he said. Lucy shook her head fondly, noting how he mentioned hoping their daughter would look like her if they ended up having one. "I'd say you should be more open minded, but considering the resemblance I have with my mom…"

"Oh, that's right, Layla is gonna freak out…"

"Definitely, she's gonna be all 'I told you so,' or something. Oh well."

"At least we don't have to return the onsies Gildarts gave us that say 'Daddy's Girl,' 'cause he sure had a lot of those…"

"True, and on a serious note, this should help dwindle down the names we've thought of," Lucy rolled her eyes when she saw a smirk make its way across his face, "Excluding 'Lucy Jr,' We really should come up with something we both like soon."

Natsu leaned back in his seat, humming it over. Never in a million years did he think he'd have to figure out what he'd be naming his kid, so naturally it took a while for him to even think of something, let alone something that they both agreed on.

"This might be silly, but I've had a middle name in mind," He turned to look out the window to conceal his blush, "I liked how it sounds, but I don't like it as a first name, I dunno…"

Lucy's gaze softened, seeing him get bashful over this was just too sweet. "Don't worry, I'm all ears."

"Well, you and your mom's names kinda, like, match… kinda… and I just thought, maybe… I dunno, Lily sounds kinda cute…"

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