Twisted ones: part two

Start from the beginning

"Ok what about him"

"Oh where to start, don't you think he was being a little hard on shark"

"He was just a little worried about princess"

"We all worry about her but that doesn't give him the right to get upset at us just because he had one bad birthday"

"Look he's in pain but he just doesn't want the same thing happening to princess"

Webs looks down as she thought about what piranha said, "I guess your right"

But when she look up, she hit jump scared, "AH"

Piranha turns around and flash his light at a twisted version of Freddy's disemboweled head.

"Relax it's just a head" piranha calms webs down.

Webs glared at the head and walked past it.

"A creepy head"

Wolf and Diane were stealthy walking in each and every room.

"Thanks for coming with us Diane" wolf says.

"Oh no problem, you know you guys really made it this far, no one could even crack this case, I'm surprised and glad you finally told princess"

"Well snake was against it but I felt we needed to tell princess, it was the only way to protect her and we kinda needed her help"

Diane smirk as wolf looked embarrassed, "do you brought her along"

"Don't get me wrong, snake was against it but she's became a good use of help to us"

On the other side snake could over hear them, but downstairs piranha and webs were about to encounter something much more darker and twisted when they came across to a basement door.

They opened it and saw nothing but darkness.

"What do you thinks down there" piranha asked.

"I don't know but I bet we'll find some answers" webs says as she walks in the basement.

But back upstairs things were about to get intense.

"Well she was a bigger helper at the mega pizza plex"

Then snake snapped as he slither towards them.

"And you what started this whole mess, she got kidnapped and attacked, I told you I didn't wanted to take this case Diane and look what happened"

Diane got scared but wolf defended her, "whoa snake buddy calm down, it's not even her fault"

"Your right, it's your fault, I told you not to get princess involved and you deliberately went against me, this has the mega pizza plex all over again"

Meanwhile back at home, things were getting weird.

Princess cried herself to sleep but she woke up when she heard someone opening her door.

"Huh" she gets up runs her eyes and when the door open, she saw nobody was there.

She crawls on the looking on the ground to see if it was professor marmalade.

"Professor marmalade" but when she looked down.

Then she got jumpscared by a twisted Freddy.

Then she got jumpscared by a twisted Freddy

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The bad guys in: The mystery of the Freddy Fazbear case. Where stories live. Discover now