Steve rolled his eyes, "your just agitated man."

"Whatever Harrington, okay? Fuck why did we even stop looking for a second?!" Quickly Eddie rose to his feet and accusingly pointed a finger a the two "I'm going back to look for my fucking girlfriend! Okay?! So... so... if you really want me? Call for me..." he dug through his backpack and handed Steve his walkie, keeping Mias buried in his bag as he turned heel and left the diner, exposing himself to the busy Chicago streets alone...


He went back to each and every bar they had searched only a few hours ago, every store, every hostel, motel, even the L train.... But she was no where... he thought that was it, there was no where else he could try....
So, he sat on a bench, head in hands, just thinking..... and that's when the idea came to him, if he found the police station, he got get a hold of Hawkins, anyone in Hawkins, it didn't matter... as long as they could get him in touch with Stiles... that thought motivated him, made him throw himself up from the bench and speed walk around Chicago, now looking for the police station, and once he found it he barged in like a mad man,

"Hi, hi.... Yeah... uh.... Listen, I need to get a hold of Hawkins PD, is there any possible way you can transfer me?" Eddie almost pleaded to the young looking woman behind the desk, who stood smiling,

"Of course, a specific officer?" She asked as she picked up the landline, getting ready to dial the number,

"Yeah uh... chief Hop— chief Powell...." He rolled his eyes at himself as he almost asked for Hopper, the reality that he wasn't around anymore not exactly set in,

"Okay...." She very quickly pinned in the number and waited a few seconds "hello.... im great thank you Flo, and you? Good... uh... I have..." she pulled the phone away from her ear and looked at Eddie, asking for his name with her eyes,

"Eddie, Eddie munson,"

"Young eddie munson, do you know him?" The woman let out a laugh after a few seconds "no, no he hasn't done anything don't you worry. He was hopping to have a word with Chief Powell?... oh thank you... thank you, I'll pass over to him now," she took the phone away from her ear and past it to him, the sound of static blasting down his ear as he listened for a voice,

"Chief Powell Hawkins PD here, how can I help?" His voice startled Eddie, making him sigh,

"Hi... uh is Stiles back from Indianapolis?"

"... could I take your name?"

"Jesus, we just told Flo! It's Munson, Eddie...."

The older officers eyeroll could be sensed over the phone "Eddie... no... no Stiles and Joyce aren't back yet. What did you want? Maybe I can help?" He sighed,

"What about uh.... Oh shit what's her name! His girlfriend man.... Oh uh.... Tess? No... uh, ok uh... oh Tiffany Brown! Her, can you push the call to her place... please?" Eddie blabbered on, running out of breath,

"Yeah kid, stay out of trouble... I know how you are,"

One last eyeroll before the phone started ringing again, trying to connect to Tiffany's landline. And for a girl who spends almost every living hour on the phone with stiles she was taking way too long to answer....

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