"Why don't you tell that to someone who believes it." I go to walk off, but he takes a hold of my wrist.

"Please, Hallie. You know how much you mean to me; we're meant to be together. We're going to get married and have a family." I glare at him.

"Let go Chad, I don't want your pathetic excuses." I growl at him, I was hurt. How could he have the nerve to act like he just did nothing.

"What's going on here?" It was mom's voice, she was walking over with dad, Ben, Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos.

"Nothing, Hallie's just not understood something that's all. I'm trying to help her." Chad lies through his teeth.

"You lying piece of crap!"

"Hallie!" My mother gasps, I roll my eyes. Chad still had a hold of me, my anger was still building up inside of me, begging to escape.

"He's lying, tell them Chad. Tell them what you and Audrey were doing minutes ago." I demand, everyone looks to him.

"He was asking me the best way to propose to Hallie." Audrey lies as she now stands by Ben, oh here we go again. Little miss I'm so perfect nobody would believe that I can lie.

"You're both lying! I saw what you were doing."

"Honey, he wasn't lying. He even asked your dad for permission." Mom tries, I look at everyone before looking to Chad.

"None of you believe me?" I see all their eyes dart away from me "Ben?"

"We all knew he was going to ask you Hallie, so we uh kind of find it hard to you know." Ben mumbles, people were now gathering around us. I hated attention like this, how could my own family not even believe me. No one ever did, and I'm fed up with it.

"I suggest you let go of me right now Chad." I threaten, I was the only one here who probably didn't have powers. Hence another reason I got cast different to the rest. "Now." He soon let's go in pain.

"Hallie what the." He holds his hand out, it was red and sore like he had just been burnt. "How did you do that? You don't have any powers." I take a step back as people stand in shock.

"You want your damn proof that he and Audrey were lying, here. Seem as none of you believe me, not even my so-called family." I give them a glare as I show them the picture I had taken.

"I don't believe this. Chad, you have disrespected us all. You lied to us all." My dad growls at him. "And you Audrey, I expected better. I'll be telling both of your families about this."

"This is all your fault! You ruin everything Hallie!" Audrey screams at me, I look her dead in the eyes. I walk closer to her ignoring all attempts of people shouting my name as she backs up. "Hallie, what are you doing? Your eyes, they're."

"What's wrong princess? Scared of little old me? Not so tough now are you."

"Hallie stop. Now. This isn't you." Ben was in front of me, I glare at him.

"Get out of my way Ben. You know she deserves this. After everything she's done."

"No, no one deserves anything. You need to calm down right now, everyone is watching you." I quickly glance around, he was right. People were stood in horror, what was I doing? This isn't me, I'm a princess. I don't hate, I don't fight. I feel myself calm down.

"Ben, I. Help me." I look away from everyone as Ben gently guides me back to our home, everyone was whispering. I daren't look at anyone, I knew what they would think of me. They all expect me to be just like my parents and Ben, but I'm not like them. I can't be the princess they want me to be, I will never live up to their expectations.
We finally arrive in my room; I make my way to my bed and immediately curl up. What's wrong with me? What happened? I'm not even sure myself, all I know for sure is that I can't trust anybody. Not even Ben, one of my best friends.

"Hallie, are you okay?" Ben tries as he sits on the edge of my bed.

"I'm fine." I lie, why does he care anyway? He didn't believe me, no one did.

"I know when you're lying Hallie, come on. You know you can talk to me."

"Talk to you? How do I know that you're even going to believe me? You didn't out there, nobody did." I snap as I glare at him.

"That's because we believed he was going to propose, that he wouldn't do that."

"Yet you can't believe me when I say I saw him cheating on me? You all believed someone who isn't even family, what happened to always being there for your family?" He looks away with a sad expression, I roll my eyes. How dare he be sad about this; he and my family chose not to believe me. My bedroom door opens, and I see my parents walk in, I sigh and turn over so that I won't have to look at any of them.

A Pirates Life for Me | Harry HookWhere stories live. Discover now