Part 15

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Jade Gets Up and Walks back to the Dorm Room and Falls asleep. Tig: Your Going to be a good dad Jax. Jax: Thanks Tig. Jade Admits Shes scared, This whole Pregnancy Scares her. She's good at hiding it though. I'm Calling it a night. Jax crawls into bed with Jade. Jax: I Love you Mommy to be. Jade: I Love You to Daddy To be. This is our Future. Jax: Yes it Is! Remember Trager, Your Strongest Chick I know besides my Mom. Lets Sleep! Jade falls into a blissfull sleep. The Next Morning Jade gets up and slips on a pair of Jax's Sweats and his Reaper crew shirt and sweat shirt and heads to the main part of the club house. Gemma: Morning baby Girl. Breakfast? Jade: Please .I need to Pack tonight. My Appointment isn't in till two weeks from now Rather Jax likes it or not He's driving while I catch up on some sleep. I'm Just so Tired all the time! Gemma: Its Natural to Feel that way! I'll Make you Breakfast, Now Go shower and We can baby Furniture Shop! Jade: Okay! Jade showers, Changes and heads back out into the main Part of the Club House. Gemma: Breakfast Baby Girl. Jade: Thanks Gemma. Hate to Say this even though Koz and I Had Issues, a Tiny Piece of me still Loved him and Had hoped he'd change. For Once I want People to be Proud of Me, Not look at me and think I'm Nothing. When Harley is Born, I want her To know Love, Not Hate Like I Did! I want to Give Our Daughter a life and Childhood I never Had! Gemma: Baby Girl, Look at Me, Harley is going to be around a Huge Family that Already Loves Her! She knows Her Mommy and Daddy already Love her. You will Make it through this Jade! Jade: Thanks Gemma! Ready to go Baby Shopping ? Gemma knods and they Head out to Gemma's Cadi. Clay: Juice is Behind Just to Play Safe. Gemma: Alright. Jax Knows His New Place Him and a Couple Other Guys Should Head over around 1 the Furniture Should be Delivered Today! Gemma: What Color were You thinking? Jade: A Dark Cherry Oak? That way if we have another Baby down the Road No Need to Buy a New Crib! Gemma: Good Point. Jade: I try. They Buy the Crib, Changing Station, Pack in Play with an attachable Changing Matt and a bassinet for Downstairs. Gemma: Lunch then to the New House to Direct the Guys Where you want things to go. They eat and head to Jax and Jade's New House. Jax: Hey Babe! Tell Us were You want everything? Jade: Yup Give me a minuet. Jade went to the bathroom, Jax: You okay Baby Girl? Jade: Lunch Didn't agree with me! You know were the Master bedroom is. I want the bed against the wall and Dresser at the foot of the bed against the wall. Jax: Okay Babe! Take it Easy! What Color do You want Harley's Room? Jade: I want the walls Painted a Very Light Purple. Jax: Alright I'll Have Tig and Hap Buy the Paint this weekend! Gemma: You and Jax go sit on the couch. I'll go make the bed! Jax take her back to the Apartment so she Can change and take a nap. Your Driving to Seattle so she can sleep. Jax: Thank you Ma! Gemma: No Problem She needs to SLeep and Eat. Once her Bump Starts showing more Your shirts might be the only thing she can wear! Jax Nods. Jade: Can I take a Nap Please! I'm Tired, Back Hurts, My Feet are killing me not to mention Your Daughter is stretching out and kicking my Ribs! Jax: Come on Babe! Lets Take you Back To Tm and get you changed and put your feet up! I Love you Trager, Nothing is going to Change that! Your Mine! Our Baby is Loved! I'm Counting down the days till Harley Teller is Born and in Our Arms! Jade: I'll Try and be a Good Mom. Gemma: Your Going to be a great Mom! When Jax is gone Your Going to be good at playing both Roles but Always Remember Some one is always going to be here to Help you! Jade yawns. Jade walks back to the Room and Falls asleep. A couple Hours Later Jade wakes up and Slips on some sweats. Opie: Hey Jade, Looking for Jax, Tig or Happy? Jade: Neither Just getting Food and a Drink. Opie: Hows Harley? Jade: Growing, Active Esp When Jax isn't here. She can Sense when Her Daddy isn't here and that Scares the Living Shit out of Me. Either way I'm scared Shitless. Gemma is letting me sleep in Jax's old Room during Runs. I'm Still scared to be alone Right Now. I Know Jax, Tig, and Hap want Retaliation against Weston and His Crew. Jax walks in. Jade: Finally Harley Has Stopped Kicking. She can Sense when Your Not Here. Jax: She's Going to be a Daddy's Girl. Jade: Very Funny Teller. Before You even ask I came out to Find food. I was Hungry. Jax: Your Fine Babe! We just got back from a Run. Jade: Juice Come Here. Juice: Whats up? Jade: I want You to take the maternity Pictures, Jax that okay with you? Jax: Yeah, I'm Guessing You want me to be apart of them? Jade: Just Forget about it! Go crash on OPies's coach! Jade walks back to the Room and Slams the Dooe. Gemma: Alright WHo just pissed off a Very Pregnant woman? Juice: Jax Did! Gemma: Jax what did you Say? Jax: I asked her if She wanted me in the Maternity Pictures. Then She told me to Crash on Ope's couch. Gemma: Of Course She wants you In the Pictures. You are the Father. Your Daughter GO back there and Make things Right.

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