Part 1

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Jade walked through the Clubhouse. Gemma: Hey Baby Girl whats up? Jade? Nothing much Same Shit. I'll Be fine Fine as long as Kozik doesn't show up! He Shows Up then bring the First aid Kit! Gemma: Your Brother still giving you Issues? Jade: Yup! Love Ya Gem. Jade walked down to her Apartment and Changed into some Mid Thigh Shorts and a Sports Bra and hit the weights and Punching Bag. Clay: Hows Jade? Gemma: Still Pissed at Her brother. Kozik Doesn't understand what She went through when he was gone. She Knows how to Defend herself because Tig, Hap, and Lee Taught her. Her Coming Down here with Tig was a good thing. She's Away from the Abuse. Clay: That She Has. Happy: You Okay there Princess? Jade: Honestly Hap, I'm Not, I haven't Slept in the Past 36 hours. I want the Flashbacks to stop. I want that Bastard of a father to Pay for what he took from me. Koz doesn't believe me. I've been kicked out since I was 16. From the age of 16 I was living at Samtac. When You Swapped Charters from Nomad to Tacoma I was Happy! Only Because You, Tig, and Lee were the only ones I trusted up there If It wasn't For you and Tig coming in that Night I would be Dead.. I just want to sleep. Happy Hugs Jade. Jade Goes and Showers. Tig: How is She Hap? Hap: She Needs Sleep. I think She knows Kozik is Coming Down. The only Time She hits the Bag Bare is When She knows he's Coming. Talk to Ope Have him stand by the Ring, I think She's gonna start the Healing Process tonight. Tig: Gotcha. You want her to crash in your room on the couch? Hap: Its for the Best. Jade Comes out. Clay: You Know Kozik's coming Down right? Jade: Yup! Make Sure Opie or Jax is there to break it up! I'm starting the healing Process tonight. Doing it the only way I know how to, TO be honest Uncle Clay I Shouldn't of Turned down that Chance at becoming a Pro MMA Fighter, But my heart is Samcro all the way. Jade heads to the shop and starts working on the 1965 Mustang. Jax: You okay Jade, I'm Worried about You? Jade: I Just need sleep and for you to be near the Ring tonight. I'm Probably Crashing on the Futon in Hap's Room and If its another night of No Sleep then I'll Just Continue to Practice my Punches. Face it Jax who's going to want me as their Old Lady? I'm Nothing Kozik and my "So" Called Father were Right. Need me I'll be chugging down an Entire bottle of JD! Jade heads to the Bar. Jax walks up behind her and wraps his arms behind her. Jax: Your not Nothing! Your Beautiful, Smart, Kind, Caring, Bad ass in the Ring not to mention You can handle Club Shit. I Love you Jade. You Honestly act more like a Trager than Kozik! Jade: Thats Because I've Known Tig Since I was 14, Tig was like my Father. As in a Loving one, Not the One Kozik and I share or as I call Him Sperm Doner. Thought about changing my Name at 18 to Trager anyway. Either way I'm a Target. Other Clubs Esp the Mayans Know I'm a kozik. See this scar is from a 3in Stab wound, That scar from a 45m Bullet. A little blood Doesn't Phase me but when you have it Pouring out of You, I pass Out. I Love You Jackson Teller. Can you come Lay with me for a bit. I'm Kinda Sleepy? Jax and Jade Lay Down. Jade Curls Up next to Him with her head on his chest and falls asleep. Jax: Sleep Baby. I'll Be back. Jax got up and went to the Bar. Tig: How is She Jax? Jax: Asleep. I stopped her from drinking an entire Bottle of Jack Daniels. I promised Her that I will Be near the Ring to break up the Fight. Tig: But How Did you Manage to get her to sleep? Jax: She Asked me to Lay beside her. She curled up Next to me with Her head on my Chest and Just Fell asleep. She honestly believes that She is Nothing and Nobody wants to make her and Old Lady. Kozik Has Really Screwed Her Up.

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