"You shouldn't be here at all!" Noah shouted back, attempting to turn on Hunter, but I grabbed his lab coat sleeve to hold him back.

"Why are you here?" I asked Hunter, keeping my voice as calm and as level as I could. Even though the sight of him made my blood boil and my stomach churn.

Hunter smirked, "Dr. Grant renewed my employment contract. Somebody had to replace Flip as supervisor after all."

So, Dr. Grant is gone then? I thought momentarily.

"Supervisor?" Noah spat, his golden face growing red. "What could you possibly know about supervising!"

"Apparently more than you, Point Break!" Hunter taunted and Noah clenched his jaw. I could tell a fight wasn't long coming.

"What really happened to Flip?" I suddenly spoke, silencing both Noah and Hunter.

Noah opened his mouth as if he was about to speak, but no words came out. Hunter did speak though.

"Philip has been taken care of." He said snidely, earning another glare from Noah.

"He was more than just fired wasn't he," I asked, my voice just barely above a whisper.

"Yes." Hunter responded simply, but that was all I needed to hear.

I was so fed up with C.R.O.S.S. labs at this point. I was done with all the scheming and the lies and the pain. How could they possibly get away with all of this?! It was kidnapping, drugging, and now murder?!

Anger swelled up inside me. "That's it!" I exclaimed pulling out my phone, "Screw confidentiality, I'm calling the police!" I announced as I began dialing.




"And tell them what exactly?" Hunter spoke, just before I pressed the button to dial.

I paused, looking up at Hunter. "That-"

Hunter spoke again, cutting me off, "That the most well-known and respected geneticist is breaking the law by creating fish men?"

I gaped. I tried to think of a response, but no words found their way out of my mouth. When Hunter put it like that, it did sound ridiculous.

What could I say?

Hunter smiled, "It would be your word against Dr. Richard Grant's. And no offense, but with your past in and out of therapy for PTSD from watching your mother drown, they would never believe you. They would tell you you hallucinated it, just like when you used to hallucinate your mother after her death. Calling the police, telling them she was still alive. How pathetic." Hunter laughed.

My face heated, but this time, with shame. "How do you-"

Hunter's smile only grew wider, "As you may know, we have a very rigorous hiring process. We pulled your records, Miss Hawaii. We know everything."

I swallowed.

"So tell me...will the police really believe such a delusional and troubled girl over a well-respected man of science?" Hunter added, glancing down at the phone in my hands.

My hands shook as I stared down at the number, ready to dial. All I had to do was press the button. Closing my eyes in defeat, I put my phone back into my pocket.

Hunter watched the action with a victorious smile, "Didn't think so."

"Well...now that that's over, I am going to need you to come with me." Hunter began, shooting me a meaningful look.

"Me?" I questioned, looking at Noah who looked equally as confused, but also suspicious.

"Yes, you're still an employee after all. Dr. Grant hired you for a reason, and it's only fair you continue to serve your purpose." Hunter admitted, gesturing to the men that were previously holding Noah.

Suddenly the men moved to stand on either side of me, moving an indignant Noah out of the way in the process.

"I won't do anything for you." I spat, completely enraged by the audacity of Hunter to even think I would intentionally help him with anything. I began regretting coming back here at all, but I knew this would be my only chance to find out where the creature was being held. I had to be here, I had to play along.

Hunter chucked. "Ah but you see, you don't have much of a choice."

Hunter snapped his fingers and the men grasped onto my arms and began dragging me away, towards the other side of the compound where I had not been, the research side.

"Let her go!" Noah demanded, grabbing one of the men and trying to pull him off of me. I watched in horror as one of the men reached into his suit pocket and pulled out a silver pen-like object, stabbing it into Noah's neck. In an instant, Noah's eyes rolled back into his head as he collapsed to the ground.

I screamed. "Noah!" I yelled, thrashing in the tight grip of the men that pulled me away.

Nobody paid me any mind, instead, the men continued dragging me deeper into the compound. Hunter followed behind us, stepping over Noah's unconscious body, and leaving him there.

Hunter laughed, watching my display with mirth. "Do you like my new toys? These men are souvenirs from Dr. Grant, for my loyal service." He taunted, watching me struggle against the men.

Hunter's amused eyes met my own and I snarled, "You can't possibly think you'll get away with this!"

"We'll see about that." Hunter said snidely, putting his hands into the pockets of his lab coat as he walked behind us.

Species Unknown [Book 2: Pisces)Where stories live. Discover now