The girl in my house...

Start from the beginning

I'm not going to blurt out and say that their food is poisoned, because if it was don't you think me and Kawaki would've been dead by now? Even though the food wasn't poisoned it taste like it was poisoned. It was like after every meal either me or Kawaki would get sick and the symptoms would include vomiting, stomach ache, headache, and fatigue. I remember when i was 10 years old and after what seemed like forever torture in training i felt like a limp, weak, and sore person. Of course i didn't want to act like that around Kawaki because he was way younger than me and with time we bonded together and now as his big sister i had to play my part in protecting him. That bastard " Jigen" might say he cares about us, he might say he loves us, he might call us his precious children, but there seems to be one thing about him that i will never forget and that is his lies in general. 

How could someone say they love you if they won't even help you? The meals that the Kara have provided for us was too sensitive for Kawaki's tummy in the first place. As a result i spent almost 30 minutes patting his back as the remains that used to be inside his stomach started to spill on the floor. He saw it, and instead of helping he just stood there and watched emotionlessly. I didn't bother asking him for help because i knew even if i begged he would never lift a finger to make sure he gets back to health. " You know you shouldn't keep babying him". The way he would tell me to stop babying him just made my skin crawl. How was helping someone who is OBVIOUSLY sick babying? " He'll never learn if you continue to be soft, Imani,"

And at this point i knew he didn't have a soul to began with. As the remains laid on the floor he started coughing up a storm. His face turned pale and it felt like his blood was running cold. And for three whole days....three whole FUCKING day's he had to remain sick because it was another way of " Toughing up" 

" CLING" as Kawaki fell down onto the ground  Jigen emotionlessly looked down at him. Instead of getting back up he throw back up on the floor. And like always instead of helping him he squinted his eyes a little and said " Get up, Kawaki," he sinisterly said. As he continued to stay on the floor Jigen slightly tilted his head to the side, clenching tightly to the pole. On that day i was standing by the side, waiting for it to be  my turn for training. He didn't want us fighting together in the first place because every time Kawaki got hit i would stop fighting and would try to help him and that included taking the beating for him. Of course he was a little sensitive but as a young one he....reminded me of myself when i was his age. I used to have it bad on my first day. Constantly being hit in the face, degraded for hours, laughed at for the way i looked, calling me a big bowl of lard, a fat pig on a stick, they even said my cell is little because of me. At first i didn't want to believe them but as time have passed and i slowly became older my insecurities was at it's strongest. I used to cry a lot, begging for somebody to come down from the sky and take me out of that hell hole. As time skipped i quickly learned that tears won't stop a pole from hitting you in the nose. My karma wasn't strong, but it hurt like hell.

After i was drugged with toxic smoke and forced into an IV bag i saw so many children beside me die from such an accident. As Jigen walked towards my IV bag i never thought my lungs would let me scream so loud in my life, both in fear and in constant pain. The pain was excruciating. It hurt more than what i could ever imagine. It felt like dying....maybe i was dying. As the procedure continued i slowly started to see the light at the end of the tunnel, before i could make it i was quickly awoken by the sound of a machine running and...that's pretty much how my life began as a.....vessel.

As i stood on the side my jaw clenched. Just by watching Jigen demand Kawaki to get up when he was clearly in a weak state. As he continued to lecture him about being a vessel and whatever i couldn't hold it in anymore. Just  by standing by the side wasn't enough for me. " WAH MEK CYAA WAKE UP AN SI HIM NEEDS HELP YUH FUCKING MONSTER!?!?," i screamed at the top of my lungs as i continued to twitch uncontrollably. I didn't have to question my punishment. I knew what he would do to me for talking against his commands. But what was i supposed to do? I couldn't bare to just sit back and hope that this man would grow a heart and stop torturing us day and night until he feels satisfied with the results. Turning back towards me he gave me a small death glare. He didn't have to ask me, mostly because i knew what he was going to ask...but i didn't care.

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