Diagon Alley Drama - 36

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AN : Just realized I've been spelling Lockhart's name wrong so the next several chapters will be updated today with correct spelling

Life got better for Sirius and Remus as they were finally reunited with their best friend's son and despite him being quite different then expected, they loved him. At first Sirius was grumpy about Hadrian preferring a blond peacock and greasy dungeon bat over him but his cousin Cissa was more than happy to put him in his place. Both Sirius and Remus sincerely apologized to Severus and when shown their test results, he begrudgingly forgave them but retaliated with some harmless but annoying pranks of his own for the next week till caught by Hadrian. The three became sort of friends and Severus even made Remus his wolfsbane potion free of charge.

   The summer was almost over and Hadrian was eating a late brunch with his growing family in the Black manor when his and Draco's Hogwart's letters arrived. Hadrian and Draco immediately started scarfing down their remaining food wanting to go get their supplies soon when Narcissa scolded them. "You two have another two weeks till school starts and Diagon alley won't run off before you finish your food! Slow down or you'll choke!" Both boy's ears turned red at this and significantly slowed down. The men chuckled at the boy's reactions but quieted down when Narcissa raised her blond brow at them.

   Later that afternoon, the brothers owled their friends to meet up in two days to shop together. Theo and Pansy were happy to go and the twins wanted to as well but had to go with their family instead. Blaise was still in Italy with his mother and complained that his new father wanted some awkward step father son bonding time by getting his supplies with him so he had to sadly decline their offer. Daphne announced that she and Tracy had already taken her little sister, Astoria, shopping as it was her first year and apologized for not thinking of them as well. Vincent and Greggory's letter were both short in saying no as they hated shopping and their parents had planned to buy their supplies for them which caused Hadrian to fall into a giggle fit for the next three minutes.

   The next two days passed by quite quickly and the small group all met up at the leaky cauldron with Sirius and Remus tagging along. Narcissa was the children's official escort and took them to restock on potion ingredients first as it would be the quickest step on the list. The group flew through nearly the entire list, refilling on more supplies like ink, parchment, and quills and even stopped by the pet store for a short bit. Hadrian bought a few mice for a treat for Raven and Draco got treats for his eagle owl, Hercules. Theo didn't have a pet so he just looked at the animals and so did Pansy, who ended up falling in love with a baby kneazle. It would grow to be the size of a large dog but it was currently small enough to fit easily in her arms. It had fluffy grey fur and black stripes so she named her Sage and Narcissa was happy to help her pick out the perfect bed and carrier to go with her.

   The last thing on their school list was books and for some reason Florish and Blotts was extremely busy with a line going out the door. Wanting to try and wait it out, Narcissa dragged Sirius and Remus over to Madam Malkin's, insisting they needed new robes. The four children snickered as the two grown men tried to argue with the determined mother and offered no help when Sirius dramatically turned to them. Pansy even helped Narcissa by suggesting specific fabrics and colors that would look best of the two remaining Marauders. Once measured and all designs were decided on, Narcissa paid and requested for the finished order to be owl delivered to Malfoy manor.

They walked out of the store and were disappointed to see the line to Florish and Blotts still extremely long. Not wanting to give it a chance to get any busier, Narcissa lead the children, including Sirius and Remus, inside and slipped past the line of excited looking house wives. They all seemed to be clutching copies of Gilderoy Lockhart's collection and the group shook their hearts in disgust. Pansy took a little bit of convincing but the entire group was aware of him being a fraud as Hadrian happily pointed out events in several of his books taking place at the same time. In the front of the store, the man himself sat signing copies of the magical me series with a picture of him smiling his signature "charming" smile.

Hadrian and Draco look at each other with identical looks of annoyance at the arrogant man's actions and tried to sneak past all the women to reach the second floor. They wanted to look at some of the darker spell books that were still considered good enough to be labeled neutral. Unfortunately the duo was spotted by the man himself and Hadrian was grabbed from behind at the arm rather tightly. Thrown into a flashback from the sudden strong grip, Hadrian freaked out and his magic attacked his captor instinctively. A girlish scream sounded as their hand is set on fire and Hadrian quickly canceled the magic as the sound brought him back into his actual surroundings.

Realizing that he is no longer beside Draco, Hadrian looks up to see Sirius holding him protectively against his stomach. "Let that be a lesson to you as to why you should never grab a unsuspecting child Lockhart" His godfather snarls, glaring down at the slightly shorter man. "I ah... I am terribly sorry Hadrian..." Lockhart apologies, looking like he wants to cry while wincing  from the pain and embarrassment.  He flushed out of embarrassment as the daily prophet continued to take photos realizing they have the entire event captured on camera and collects himself, trying to laugh off the tension in the room. "As an apology I would like to give young Hadrian here my entire collection, free of charge! But not only will he get my entire collection... no! He shall get all of me for the next school year! That's right! Hadrian and all the rest of his piers will have me as their DADA teacher along with my charming smile and wonderful personality to learn from!"

Hadrian watches unimpressed as the fraud quickly signs all ten books from his collection and Remus grabs them as he tries to hand them all to Hadrian. Flinching under the werewolf's harsh glare, Lockhart awkwardly smiled once more at Hadrian but seems to fill with pride at the sound of many housewives applauding at his announcement and "sincere" apology. Amongst the many wives, Hadrian spots the Weasley mother and sends a smirk the twins way when they lock eyes. He winks at them and quickly tells Sirius he has a plan before walking off. The twins soon appear beside him as do Theo, Pansy, and Draco hidden away from any prying eyes.

Hadrian happily tells them of Lockhart's failure to place anti copying charms on his books and hints at the future chaos he is planning for the year. So after purchasing all of their necessary books and a few extra, mainly on Hadrian and Theo's part, the group splits up as they all return to their homes and Hadrian copies the signed copies before beginning to edit the originals. He has a lot of fun writing all over the books of everything wrong in the books and when dates override each other. His favorite part of the book is the magical photograph of the man in the back that he charmed to insult himself. Feeling very proud of himself, Hadrian makes many copies to sell to his classmates and many more copies of the unedited signed books for Fred and George to sell to their mother's friends who are also in love with Lockhart.

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