Ronald earns Hogwarts fury - 13

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Edited - April 8, 2023

    The morning came and both teachers and students were discussing where their savior could be. His name was rumored to have been entered into Hogwart's book the moment he was born but disappeared before yesterday and he was nowhere to be found. The mystery of Harry Potter was growing and Hadrian was struggling not to fall apart in laughter. The moment his name had magically been changed, Harry Potter's name was replaced with his, making Harry Potter no longer technically exist. So while the students gossiped about him being homeschooled or receiving special training as Dumbledore seemed to see no reason to tell them otherwise, he sat amongst them quietly eating breakfast at his house's table. Raven would whisper dramatic comments about him in his ear as well as he tried to not visibly shake from the struggle to hold in his laughter. Many also gossiped about Harry's looks and how much he would be like a mix of his mother and father. These comments sobered him up a bit but he still smiled as the portraits in his manor had told him how much he already was like his parents. But while Hadrian and Raven listen to the surrounding gossip, both failed to notice their least favorite red head headed their way.

   Ronald stormed towards Hadrian and his fury grew as the little pompous git didn't even acknowledge his presence! He was the great Harry Potter's future best friend! How dare he ignore him! "Hey!" He yelled as Hadrian just continued to eat his breakfast and ignore him. "I'm talking to you, you little twit! You deaf or something!?" Hadrian just sighed and shook his head at Draco to let him know he would handle it. He turned towards the shouting brat and stared at him for a second. He let out a long sigh before responding making his fellow first years quietly snicker and smirk. "I have a name you know. Has your mother never taught you any manners? I guess you were too busy eating..." Hadrian said disgusted after seeing him eat like a pig the night before. Ron's face was slowly beginning to match his hair again and growled out, "Oh I know your name all right! Your entire family is known for death and I'll bet you're just here to kill us all you evil bastard! In fact that's probably why your relatives tried to kill you!"

Seamus and Dean who were standing behind Ron and had been nodding along with his comments froze at the last one. They looked at Ron in horror as did most of the students in the hall did. Taking advantage of the moment practically delivered to him on a silver platter and silently thanking those that taught his occlumency, Hadrian froze and slowly made his eyes water with a look of shock and hurt on his face. At the teacher's table Dumbledore watched with malice hidden behind a carefully drawn mask of horror to match the other professors. He had told Ronald to convince Hadrian to join Gryffindor, not insult him. He had lied about paying him as he is currently being denied access to his secret weapon's vault but that wasn't the point. Harry was missing and Hadrian was the next best thing. He needed Hadrian by his side and with the Gryffindors, not with Slytherins that would teach him to think for himself!

   Hadrian let a few tears fall and pretended to ignore them as his hurt turned to anger. He got up from his seat and faced Ron fully who had just been completely abandoned by Seamus and Dean who had scurried off. "You can hate me all you want, I. Don't. Care. But don't you DARE tell me that the abuse I suffered was my fault. I didn't tell Rita my story just for you to use it against me!" The hall was silent as Hadrian scolded Ron in a quiet but dark voice that managed to be heard by everyone around him as magic slightly increased the sound of his voice. Those closest could see the fire in his eyes and as Hadrian calmly walked away, everyone could see fire in his tightly clenched fists and scorch marks left behind by his footsteps.

   "Weasley!" Snape yelled causing the boy to spin around and turn pale. "Detention with me for a month and fifty points from Gryffindor!" Ron attempted to speak as he opened his mouth. "Don't you dare complain or it will be another month of detention!" "No need Severus," McGonagall added, "He will have that additional month of detention with me when he has finished yours! Never in my life have I ever met a child so rude and inconsiderate to another's life and trauma!" Ron just glared at the two teachers when Neville decided to pipe up from the Hufflepuff table. "I may not know Hadrian very well but he was extremely kind to me on the train and I am proud to call him a friend. I don't care what you say, he isn't evil." Ron being Ron opened up his big mouth once more. "Oh yeah Longbottom!? That doesn't mean much coming from you! I bet your grandmother is real disappointed in you for not even being strong enough to be accepted in Gryffindor!"

   Dumbledore just watched in disappointment as the jealousy filled child ran his mouth and did nothing to stop the following repercussions. Ron had just made himself a target to the entire school as very few people ever got away with insulting a Hufflepuff as they were known for being kind and most had a very protective Slytherin buddy. Neville was a new Hufflepuff so it was up to the older Hufflepuffs to protect him and the mother of them all did just that. Professor Sprout stood from her chair with an extremely rare look of anger on her face. "Detention Mr.Weasley for a third month," she paused to calm down and turned to face her friend, "and Minerva dear I believe a meeting with the child's parents should be put in order as well."

   By the time the first classes of the day begin, absolutely no one would help Ron. As Hadrian who had arrived to class quite early sat in the front row with his classmates, Ron managed to get completely lost and ran in ten minutes late. Hadrian just winked at the stiff cat sitting in McGonagall's desk before she lept off and scolded Ron harshly for being late. When he argued it was because no one would help him, she simply took away ten points from her own house and began the lesson. Hadrian watched as she demonstrated much older year animal transformation with ease and waited for a few minutes after she told them to attempt to turn a match into a needle. "Mr.Peverell I can understand if you are still upset about this morning but please do attempt the spell." She said, understanding that his magic may be wound up due to emotions but not wanting him to slack off. Hadrian pulled out his piece of wood he had shaped into a fake wand as he preferred wandless magic and whispered the incantation.

McGonagall watches as the needle slowly turns gold from bottom to top. The end grows a point and around the eye of the needle, a phoenix forms with its wings spread out to meet together at the very top. She looks at the young boy in shock as the focused look on his face grew into a proud smile. "Well Mr. Peverell I'm not sure how your emotions may have effected the spell but I am happy to say you are growing into a very powerful wizard! Would you like another few matches to turn into needles as I would like to keep this one if I may?" Hadrian nodded and laughed at Draco's dropped jaw. "I would close your jaw if you don't want to catch any flies Dray."

Hadrian happily turned a match to needle and back to a match a few times before getting bored and making another fancy needle for McGonagall. This time he kept it silver and had the four house mascots form around the eye with hints of each house color as well. He handed it to her and then turned his attention to his fellow snakes. He explained how instead of thinking match to needle, you can envision the change and exactly how you want it to look. To show house unity he even helped a few Gryffindors that would accept his help. In the end he earned fifty points total as he was given ten twice for the beautiful needles he created and five for every student he helped that also managed to complete the spell by the end of class.

Ronald on the other hand got in even more trouble. Hadrian had informed the school board after receiving his invite to the school about Raven being his familiar. Familiars were allowed to always be with their master as their magics didn't do too well when separated for too long and could also strengthen each other. Ron either didn't know or didn't care as he screamed at Hadrian for bringing such a slimy monster to class with him and tried to get him in trouble for it. McGonagall simply performed the same spell Rita had to prove Raven was in fact his familiar and then attempted to dismiss the issue and glared at Ron for causing such a fuss. She also took fifteen more points away when he called her a bitch too loudly under his breath. The day wasn't even halfway over and the entire class was already ready to get away from Ron.

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