Runing 'round a bearded fool - 21

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Edited - September 18, 2023

Ever since Hadrian's confession, his friends have been extra loving and supportive, not in public, but it still means a lot. Slytherins are known for being cunning and tend to be very ambitious and successful in life. Unfortunately as they are seen as the dark house, people only see them as evil and manipulative, as there is no way they could possibly all do so well without some type of bribe or cheating in one way or another. With the excuse that dark magic twists their minds as it focuses more on emotion versus intent, those jealous of their success and skills attempt to constantly tear down even the youngest of Slytherins from the moment they get sorted. So Hadrian is quite happy to keep a mask up until he and his friends are alone as it was the only time others aren't around to harshly judge them for being their actual selves.

The day before break arrives and a certain manipulator has just discovered his possible future weapon wouldn't be spending his Christmas alone at Hogwarts. The potion master's cape bellows dramatically behind him as he is sent down to breakfast to let Hadrian know he has been summoned by the arrogant fool with way too many names and titles. The young boy's friends grow nervous for him, but having read over Hogwart's rule book, he knows of a certain specification the old fart loves to constantly overlook. While he has every right to talk to Hadrian about leaving for break as he has no known living relatives, any student summoned to the headmaster's office is supposed to bring their head of their house with them.

So Hadrian happily munches on his buttered and jammed toast and swung his legs underneath the table with a smile. To most, he looks like a happy boy, excited for the holidays but his housemates know better. Hadrian Peverell is about to create some chaos and they can hardly wait! He swallows his last bite of toast, as when told about the meeting he lost most of his appetite, and walks to where Snape sat to wait for the boy to finish. Severus raises his eyebrow at the boy in hidden amusement and they walks together to the Griffin statue. Already annoyed due to the statue clearly showing favoritism, the professor grumbles out the candy themed password and manages to gracefully stomp up the steps. Severus loudly slams the door open and ignores Albus in favor for waiting for Hadrian to slip in behind him. As he enters the room, Snape sits down and his godson soon sits in the seat beside him. Albus attempts to dismiss the man but Hadrian is more than happy to recite the rule he has memorized for this very situation, months earlier.

   "Very well my boy-" "Don't call me that." Hadrian snaps, "My uncle always shouted boy at me when mad so I would appreciate it, if you would address me with my correct title. In case your old mind has forgotten, it's Lord Peverell to you." The elderly man strokes his beard with his thin fingers and sighed. "Well *ahem* Lord Peverell," he manages to choke out, "I wish to discuss with you the fact that you will not be staying with us for Christmas. I know you are emancipated, but due to your power you could be in danger if someone attacked you for it."

   Severus stares at the man in silent rage as Hadrian remains unaffected and walks over to pet Fawkes, causing dear Dumbles to fidget in his overly large and unimpressive throne. "Sir, you are aware that no one unless accepted into wards are not allowed into my properties and if they break them down I am immediately made aware the moment they start to attack?" Hadrian asks rhetorically as if talking to a uneducated child. Albus Dumb-as-a-door coughs to clear his throat and nods. "Then excuse me professor, but I must be off and pack the rest of my things!" The boy says in a false cheery tone.

   Without waiting for a response, both Slytherins stand up and sweep out of the room as they can barely withhold their laughter. They return to the dorms and Severus is more than happy to add the memory to a large pensive for all his snakes to watch and rewatch till their stomachs can handle no more laughter. The best part is at the end, as Fawkes cries out as Hadrian leaves and flies after the kind boy that has released him from the old coot's manipulative magic.

Many small greeting are exchanged the following morning and trunks charmed to be easily carried onto the Hogwarts express. The Slytherin house is the first to arrive per usual and minus a few Ravens, are the only ones already on the train. None of them mind as they prefer the quiet and they all split into their groups and add charms to prevent ease-droppers and extend a few to make room for everyone. Hadrian's group does the same and Hadrian is happy to show off at his friend's requests to transform the seats into a comfier version of themselves.

   The trip itself doesn't take too long as they all happily play exploding snap for hours and then switch to random topics of discussion. Even Vincent and Gregory jump in at random times to talk. It isn't often but they know a surprisingly large amount of knowledge about prank spells and hexes as their fathers had both taught them it in depth. They had been discussing how to best prank Dumbles without him catching them and the two larger boys were quite happy to write down an entire list.

   Eventually though, Hadrian grows tired as he still hasn't slept the best all week and takes a nap with his head in Draco's lap and feet covering Blaise's lap. Pansy thinks it is adorable and grumbles about cameras having a flash as it will wake him up and get her caught. Once they near the station, Draco reluctantly wakes up his little brother by shaking his shoulder. The boy's bright emerald eyes slowly blink open and with Pansy's help, fixes his hair. Hadrian has to stop himself from physically bouncing in excitement and nearly runs all the way into the couple he so dearly wishes were his true parents. Narcissa crouches down to reach his short height and tightly hugs him and rubs his back. Lucius gives him a side hug after and with very little warning, side apperates him and Draco back to the manor.

   Lucius holds on tightly to Hadrian to keep him from falling and pulls him into a tight hug after arriving. He hugs Hadrian on one side and Draco squeezes them both on the other side. He kisses them both on the head and sends them to their rooms to unpack before dinner. Both boys smile up at the man and once arriving in his room, Milly is very happy to see her baby in one piece after being stuck with such an old fart for so long, those were her words exactly. Christmas break has begun and this time Hadrian wouldn't be alone.

AN: I'm so sorry for not updating in so long! College is expensive and I spent part of my summer working two jobs and just had no time to edit anything! No promises on constant updates but I will try to update much more frequently than I have recently!!!

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