Rita Skeeter strikes again - 7

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Edited - March 17, 2023
    🍀 Happy St. Patrick's Day! 🍀

The next morning, just as Hadrian had predicted, Rita's article was on the front page.

The fallen boy from Gringotts has given us a name!

That's right my dear readers! The young boy said to have fallen into Gringotts contacted me with a very sweet letter claiming that it was he whom I had written about. He understood that I may not believe him and kindly invited me to tea and sent his house elf to pick me up as he didn't know who to trust. Which is very understandable now that I know his story. To begin, his name is Hadrian Dorian Peverell! He happily proved this claim to be true by showing me his ring and allowed me to spell check it.

This young boy who I can only guess is around the age of seven or eight, has lived a life out of a horror story. He nervously apologized before beginning for if his etiquette is not proper as he has only been living in the wizarding world for little under a month. With unshed tears in his eyes he explained how he was raised by muggles after his parents were killed in the war and abused. Their reason for doing so? It was simply because he was different! He was called freak and boy his entire life because his family didn't believe those who weren't "normal" should be treated with kindness. I even had to comfort him as he greatly feared the devastation muggles would cause if they ever found out the magic was real!

Now my dear readers, you would think that is all for his story but it gets worse! The person that placed him with his relatives did so by illegally claiming themselves his magical guardian despite him having godparents! They also placed several blocks and potions on him that were slowly killing him as he had to face countless injuries from the abuse. When I asked him of these injuries, he couldn't even bring himself to tell me and instead had his house elf being me a list of all past and current injuries he had when he was sent to a healer at Gringotts. To say he suffered from several fractured and broken bones is an understatement. He will spend the rest of his life with scars and many of them are from his uncle's belt and a whip. My heart broke when he asked me why the ministry never saved him when any use of magic was used in front of muggles is supposed to be reported to the ministry.

This sweet boy has done nothing to deserve such pain which makes me question who out there could ever want to hurt him? When asked the names of his abusers and illegal guardian, he froze up and claimed that if he exposed them, he would only be hurt again. I quickly assured him that I completely understood and we moved on to a different topic. However I can not help but wonder who his relatives and magical guardian and who could be disgusting enough to leave him in such a situation? The real question is how many others could be out there hurting just like little lord Hadrian.

I make no mistake either when I call him Lord instead of heir. I admit, I tried to correct him when he introduced himself but he explained that the goblins helped him emancipate himself to prevent people from trying to adopt him and use his creature, money, and family name for their own gain. He only has had me, along with the house elves and his family portraits for company since he escaped his abusers. When I asked him about his plans his future and his creature he got quite excited and rambled on about fire elementals and being part phoenix. His creature had come out several years early to protect him and he has been trying since to gain control of his magic. He proudly made a little flame from his pinkie before becoming embarrassed for forgetting himself and not allowing me to talk. I quite look forward to what Hadrian will achieve in the future and can only hope that no one else will dig their claws into him and cause him more harm. Till next time my lovely readers! Signed,
~ Rita Skeeter

   Hadrian just sat back with a sigh. Even though the woman tended to thrive on the dramatic side of life, she certainly has a way with words. She hadn't mentioned Raven which he was grateful for and she hadn't make him seem weak either. She had written it quite well to make people feel compassion for him but also see how strong he was to have suffered yet persevered for so long alone. The light side would most likely see him as a hurt child causing them to not question if he was ever caught in a questionable situation with darker magic as he couldn't possibly know any better. The dark side on the other hand, would see his hidden hatred towards most muggles and be impressed with his power and hopefully want to become allies with him in any way they can to gain his favor. Announcing his name to the world was a power play and he was going to use it to take Dumbledore down.

Although Hadrian had not known who Dumbledore was when he first reached Gringotts, he was no longer uninformed. Hadrian had sent several letters to Silverclaw to learn about his false guardian and was disgusted by the truth. The old man had done many horrible things in his past and would always wait for the maximum amount of damage to occur before swooping in to save the day. He was praised for defeating Grindelwald yet that was the only known time he actual did anything to help in the war. He fought against Voldemort with his order of the phoenix yet while teaching him as a child never once tried to sway him away from the dark path he was going down. He was a known guardian for many children when at Hogwarts but according to Silverclaw they rarely came to claim their lordships. That was only the surface of the man's manipulations and the mere thought of them made Hadrian feel sick.

He was going to bring Dumbledore's actions to the light but he knew he had to be careful. One wrong move and Dumbledore could discover the boy he once was famously known as. The road towards the defeat of the "great" Albus Percival Wolfric Brian Dumbledore and his too many titles was going to be a long and difficult one. So in a twisted way, Hadrian being abused was a good thing as it taught him patience. He holds a lot of anger as well, but the boy had learned to harness it and it was all going to go towards dethroning the man. The first step was complete as people will now be watching known magical guardians more carefully and next was the remove Dumbles from his office, one position at a time. His first position was going to be as headmaster and Hadrian couldn't wait to watch from a front row seat.

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