I smell a rat - 32

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    The school year came to a close and Lucius practically dragged Hadrian to Gringotts as soon as he finished unpacking. Both nodded respectfully at the goblins guarding the entrance and walked to the back into Silverclaw's office. They wait patiently for the goblin to finish the document he was hunched over and greeted him once he looked up. He gave a toothy grin at the rare show of respect most wizards lack towards goblins. "How may I be of service gentlemen?" The goblin asked curiously.

   Lucius gave Hadrian a gentle nudge and the boy began speaking, "Hello master goblin Silverclaw, we need to add a new offense to the bearded fool's list." Silverclaw just raised a brow and made a motion for Hadrian to continue. "He..."Hadrian paused and took a deep breath, "He used Legilimency on me near the end of the school year. I can give you the memory as proof or just swear on my magic during the trial it is true." He stated with an almost unnoticeable tremor in his voice. Silverclaw growled at the old man's repulsive ways and pulled out the ever growing list from his desk.

    Hadrian and Lucius quietly watched as Silverclaw wrote down the added offense on the list. The goblin looked back up as he finished but paused before pulling two more papers from his desk and placing it in front of the duo on his desk. The first was rolled up and sealed with the second placed face down. "Lord Peverell I am sorry to bring up more problems for you to have to deal with but this has to do with your inheritance test and parent's wills. I wanted to bring it up earlier but didn't want to overwhelm you with too much at our previous meetings." "What about them should I be worried about?" Hadrian asked and looked to Lucius who was equally confused.

   "The first two papers are your parents wills. You had enough to worry about and learn when you first got emancipated so I didn't mention it. Dumbledore had them illegally sealed when he forced himself as your magical guardian. No one has ever read them." Silverclaw says and points to the two rolled up parchments before continuing. "The second problem is your inheritance test, your godfather is Sirius Black and it mentions him being illegally incarcerated meaning he has been wrongly placed in Azkaban for the past nearly eleven years..." The room was silent as the severity of the situation sunk in.

   Not wanting to stand in silence any longer, Hadrian spoke up, "What do I need to do to free him?!" "I suggest you unseal your parents wills first as they may mention Sirius in them and could have proof to be used for his innocence. He also never received a trial so we can use that fact to demand one for him and ask him to use veritserum." Hadrian nodded as he processed the load of information, "Can we go ahead and unseal the wills? Anyone mentioned in the wills can receive a letter including the section they are mentioned and simply say the will was not read until now for an unknown reason." He politely commanded and Silverclaw gave him a spiky smile in response.

Silverclaw ran his claw across the seal and announced, "The reading of James Charlus Potter and Lilian Marie Potter nee Evans has now begun." The scroll glowed and slowly unrolled to shine a ghostly form of James and Lily above it. James smiled and waved, "Hello, I James Charlus Potter," Lily joined in, "and I Lily Marie Potter nee Evans," they finished in unison, "are of both sound mind and magic at this time." James goes first. "This is my last will and testament and the first thing I want to say is that I love you pronglets. I have no idea when I will die but the dark lord is coming for us and we probably won't make it but Harry never forget that we love you.

Now onto business, as Sirius Black is Harry's godfather, Harry should be raised by him and he will need money. So every month until Harry becomes of age, he will receive 300 Galleons a week for food and other expenses. I would give more but I know you plan to spoil my child Padfoot, so Remus will be left in charge of all Potter family vaults until Harry is old enough to claim his titles as Potter Lord. Sirius I trust you with my life and know you would give your life to save Harry, Lily, or me so take care of my kid for me. You will also receive 100 Galleons to spend on yourself or anything you may need every month.

Remus Lupin, as I already said, you will be in charge of the family vaults. I trust you will keep Sirius and little Harry in line as wherever Sirius is, you aren't too far behind. Don't worry about furry little problem Moony, I am leaving you the Muarder's cabin for your time of the month and it is protected by many wards so no one will get hurt. I am also giving you 500 hundred Galleons to fix up your wardrobe Remmy. I love you but you can't wear oversized sweaters and old robes all your life!

Petey, as my families secret keeper, I am leaving you with a thousand Galleons unless you betray us. If that is the case then curse you and all of your ancestors, you won't get a cent from me you slimy little rat! Fuck you too Dumbledore! You placed the charm on our house and knew we made Peter the secret keeper and left Sirius as a decoy! And another thing, stay the hell away from my son you conniving bastard!" James paused and took several deep breaths to calm himself.

"Anyways," James continued as Lily rubbed his arm lovingly, "All other properties not mentioned belong to Harry and should something happen to Sirius, he will go to Remus, Severus Snape, then the Longbottoms or Minnie." Lily cuts in, "He means Minerva McGonagall, honestly James." She chuckled but grew serious. "Under no circumstance should our baby go to Albus Dumbledore or my sister Petunia. We don't trust the way you have been looking at our child Dumbledore and Petunia I don't trust you after the way you've treated me since discovering and hating magic! Should anything happen to Sirius and Harry does go to the others we mentioned, the 300 Galleons for him and 100 for expenses will go to them." Hadrian thought back to the tears he spent in that magic hating household and shivered knowing he was never meant to go there in the first place.

   This time Lily spoke up, "Severus Snape, you were my childhood friend and I regret that we feel apart after our argument in fifth year. I know it must come as a surprise to you that we chose you as a godfather for our Harry but I trust you. I already forgave you for what you said and James is sorry too." Lily jabs James with her elbow and he looks slightly pained as he speaks up. "I... I am sorry Snape and hope that you can forgive me and not take your anger out on Harry. My friends and I were immature to bully you and I... I was jealous if you and Lily flowers friendship..." James paused and took a deep breath, "Merlin that was hard to say!" He yelled and got jabbed by Lily again.

"To help you with your love for experiencing potions, I am leaving my potion journals." Lily said with a sad smile and continued, "To Fillius Flitwick, my old mentor, I leave my charm journals and old project ideas for you. Finally, to my dear Harry, your father and I wrote a few journals specifically for you about our times at Hogwarts, protection spells, and how much we love you." With the will now at the end, Hadrian watches sadly as the glow of his mother and father disappear and he makes a copy before sticking the original in his robe pocket.

"Silverclaw, thank you for bringing my parent's will to my attention. I will get to work on getting my godfather released immediately but in the mean time I would like to collect my parents journals. Please send portions of the will to everyone mentioned where they are mentioned. If they have any questions about me, simply tell them I am away somewhere safe." Hadrian requests and Silverclaw smiles a sharp smile at the boy's clever nature. He truly was a brilliant Slytherin through and through.

The goblin then put away the will back in his desk and got up from his seat. He lead the two wizards down to the mine carts and Hadrian let out a little laugh at Lucius's face. The pompous blond who held a normally blank but serious face, had a slight green, sick looking tint to it. Lucius took a few seconds longer then Hadrian to exit the cart and compose himself. Hadrian placed his Lord ring against the vault door and looked around nervously for his parents journals. Walking in past the piles of Galleons, Sickles, and Knuts, he glanced at random treasures and heirlooms scattered around. After a few short minutes of searching, Hadrian held several old notebooks in his arms along with some spell books that caught his eyes. He wanted to look more, but he had people to meet, a godfather to free, and a rat to catch!

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