Plan set in motion - 27

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   Breakfast had just began and Hadrian was enjoying some buttered toast next to his friends when the owls flew down with the morning mail. A copy of the daily prophet was dropped in front of Hadrian's plate as a brown barn owl waited patiently for a sickle to be added to its pouch. Hadrian quickly paid the owl and gave it a piece of bacon before watching it fly away. He smirked at the title and happily shows it to Draco who was leaning over his shoulder and let him read it out loud for the others,"Wizengamot gains a new young lord! is she talking about..." Draco trails off, not sure what to say without revealing the truth. "Yeah," was Hadrian's simple response.

Wizengamot gains a new young lord!
Hello my dearest readers, have I got some news for you! Recently a young man at the age of eighteen entered the Ministry of Magic and asked for permission to bring up a matter in Wizengamot. He was allowed in after revealing his identity and was very gracious to accept an interview with me later that day. His name is Marvel Thomas Gaunt and is quite the charming and handsome young man. He explained his past to me and it is quite tragic! I won't go too into detail but he grew up in a muggle orphanage with very little known information on his parents. His mother died in childbirth and his father left him at the orphanage, too heartbroken over her death to care for him. He only knows this as that was all the letter that he was left with said. He was abused due to his accidental magic and forced to go through several exorcisms at a young age. When none of them worked, he was forced to remain homeschooled and taught himself. When he received his Hogwarts letter, he assumed it was an elaborate prank the other children at the home were playing on him and simply responded that he could not attend as he did not have the money to do so.

However, he was curious about what truth the letter may have held and discovered Diagon Alley and spent many days reading every book he could in Florish and Blotts. Seeing as how magic outside of school was not allowed, he continued to homeschool himself with muggle studies and magical but waited till he was seventeen to attempt any actual magic but without a wand as he couldn't afford one. He explained to me how he remembered the spells from heart and spent the next year practicing them wandlessly and finally went to Gringotts to take his OWLS and NEWTS in order to get a job in the wizarding world.

Upon going to Gringotts, they heard his life story and had him take an inheritance test. He discovered his families fortune and spent the next few weeks learning about their pasts and getting the accounts in order. He took his OWLS and NEWT and passed with all O's! In his own words he said, "And that is how I found myself here." He wants to improve life for all of those in the magical world include those with dark cores. In his self studies he learned of dark magic and creatures and says that "None of them chose this life, so why should we shun them for it!?" He makes a very good point and also passionately described a plan to use his families fortune to create a magical orphanage for abused muggle born children and get laws passed to better protect them!

This brilliant young man has seven votes in Wizengamot! Yes, seven! He had also proven to be very generous as the first thing he did with his fortune was host this years New Years Ball. He invited families all of cores and showed no discrimination. It was quite splendid and the mansion itself was beautiful as I myself get lucky and was allowed to go as well. Now the last hint I will tell you about this man is that he is taken. So before any of you wonderful young ladies or men try and write up a marriage contract, he fondly mentioned that he has two little mates. He revealed he has a creature but kept it a secret from me and would only tell me that they have yet to come into their inheritance but that any amount of time is worth the wait as he already dearly loves them! Till next time my lovely reader!
~ Rita Skeeter

   "Wow... Is it him?" Pansy asked quietly looking at Hadrian. "I wonder who his lucky mates are?" She giggled. He gave her a small nod and eye roll but smirked when he saw the headmaster's reaction to the paper. Seeing as how Dumbles spent the past eleven years fighting against dark creatures and is the reason so many dark core rituals and spells are banned, he didn't take the news well. The man was quite proud of his many titles including Chief Warlock of Wizengamot and more and more of Rita's articles were making him look bad! Despite the bearded fools efforts, his angry was showing through his flawed grandfather mask as he stabbed at his eggs rather harshly.

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