Meeting the Malfoys - 9

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Edited - April 5, 2023

   Lucius was having a cup of afternoon tea with his lovely wife Narcissa when Severus decided to drop by unannounced. He had done this on many previous occasions, even before he had been named Draco's godfather, and Lucius sat down his tea with a sigh knowing what was going to come next. "You will not believe what I have discovered on how far the idiotic Weasleys can go!" Oh! Lucius thought, this one sounded actually interesting. No offense to the potion master but Lucius could only listen to the scandals of some old witch stealing another witch's potion idea and claiming it as their own so many times. Narcissa merely sipped on her tea to prevent from giggling at their friend's theatrics and Lucius smirked as he will take any dirt he can find against the red heads with no understanding of population control.

   "Oh hello Narcissa," Severus greeted before continuing his rant as he sat down next to Lucius with a huff. "I was at the apothecary to restock yesterday since I need to make more potions for Poppy as you already know I do every year, when I see that a crowd growing near me outside. I could hear some spoiled brat yelling at someone for Merlin knows what and decided to swiftly escape before the drama escalated. But next thing I know, the small boy I see weasley yelling at is shoved down and wings! WINGS RIP OUT OF HIS BACK!" Severus paused for a second to recollect himself and took a quick breath before beginning to pace. "Anyways, it wasn't until then that the weasel's mother decides to arrive and the crowd begins to verbally attack her for raising such a disgrace of a child while I go to calm down the boy."

   At this point of the rant, Lucius felt himself grow protective as he realized who the poor boy was. "The boy turned out to be the young Peverell lord and had curled himself in a ball as his creature seemed to have come out to protect him. I must say his wings were quite soft and beautiful but that not the point." Narcissa discreetly rolled her eyes at Severus's distracted comment with a smile. Severus had always been quite fascinated by creatures even though all three of them were various creatures themselves, but Narcissa forced herself to focus as Severus wasn't done with his rant. "I quickly used a simple lifting spell to lead him into Madam Malkin's building and before I knew it the most overprotective house elf I have ever met apperated and began to mother hen Hadrian as he slowly calmed down. She then proceeded to threaten any one who hurt her precious little master and almost attacked me and Malkin. I mean honestly, why would I try to hurt the boy!?" Severus paused as he finished his rant and looked around. "Now, how has my godchild been? He hasn't written me in a while."

   Unknownst to Severus, Hadrian had actually accepted Lucius's invitation to meet his family  that morning for brunch and was with Draco only a few rooms down from where they were currently gossiping. When he had arrived, Narcissa immediately pulled the boy into a motherly hug when he had tried to shake her hand. He had squeaked in surprise but would deny it if anyone asked. Draco had also immediately taken to Hadrian and soon after they finished eating, claimed Hadrian as his little brother. Quite pleased with this declaration, Hadrian smiled widely before scrunching his nose and his hair became the famous blond color the Malfoy family was known for. This is because of their family origins coming from France and having Veela blood in them. All three Malfoys were quite impressed by Hadrian's control over his ability and Narcissa gushed over him as her family used to love to brag about their gift of metamorphosis that hadn't been seen for generations.

   What Narcissa and Draco didn't know was that they were already related. It was a little complicated as him and Draco are second cousins with Sirius and Narcissa being first cousins but Draco and Narcissa can't know about that as it was Harry Potter he was related to, not Hadrian. It was actually part of the reason why he hadn't met them any earlier. With all his training to prepare for the wizard world and wanting to get his story straight to avoid being caught, he hadn't yet had the time to meet with the Malfoys until today. To keep things less complicated, he didn't mention much of anything about his family tree and no one had questioned it yet as the goblins don't lie. Walburga was horrified at first as every pure blooded wizard should be proud of their lineage but for his safety and anyone he may grow close with in the future, he didn't want them getting caught in his mess if Dumbledore and any other nosey busy body discovered the truth.

When Lucius led Severus to the room the boys were in, Draco had just left to go retrieve a book about quidditch as he saw it as blasphemy to not know all about how to play. It wasn't Hadrian's fault his portrait relatives didn't feel the need to teach him about it! Draco discovered this horrific fact when he asked if Hadrian could make himself look like any famous quidditch players and simply received a look of confusion. So, both Severus and Hadrian were quite surprised to see each other after having only met by accident the day before. "Oh hello there Mr. Severus... I hope it alright that I call you that as you never did tell me your last name! Thank you for your help the other day by the way" Hadrian rambled after jumping to his feet in surprise. Just as shocked, Severus played it off and smirked at his actions and ruffled Hadrian's hair. "It's quite alright Hadrian." He replied as Hadrian whined about his disheveled hair that had taken him so long to fix earlier that morning. It really only took five minutes but in the past he had just ran his fingers through it.

Draco ran back into the room and stopped at the sight of his godfather. "Uncle Sev!" He happily exclaimed and hugged the man, completely oblivious to Hadrian watching with wide eyes. Draco turned to Hadrian confused by his look of shock. "This is your godfather you told me so much about!?" "Well yeah? Do you know him or something?" Draco replied with his confusion growing. "Well... sort of... I don't know, it's complicated!" Lucius just quietly snorted in the background enjoying the chaos before Narcissa swatted him in the arm. "Draco, Hadrian met Severus yesterday at Diagon Alley after the boy we all greatly dislike, Ronald, yelled at him. Hadrian, as you now know, the same Severus that you met yesterday is Draco's godfather and as his honorary little brother, he is now your honorary godfather." Narcissa explained with a smile, glaring at Severus, as if daring him to disagree with helping care for Hadrian. Severus having already grown protective of him, almost as much as the Malfoys, nodded his head and Narcissa's glare turned into a knowing smile.

From then on, their small family of four, if you include Severus, grew into five with Hadrian spending a relative amount of time at the Malfoy manor and the Malfoys coming over to the Black manor as well. They occasionally visited Spinner's end as well but Severus preferred brewing at his own home so they tended to stay at the others to avoid possible accidents despite the many protection spells he placed throughout his house. Narcissa loved to spoil both boys and took them shopping for clothes, food, and toys on many occasions. Milly naturally got along quite well with Narcissa and they teamed up on doting Hadrian every chance they got. Draco loves his little brother and is secretly a very cuddly person. He greatly made up for Hadrian's previous touch starvation with plenty of hugs and cuddle sessions during sleep overs. Lucius made up for the missing father figure in Hadrian's life and would give him and Draco tutoring sessions on several subjects both taught and not taught at Hogwarts including occlumency and etiquette. Both his portrait relatives and Lucius were quite proud of how quickly and well he was learning everything. Severus stopped by at times too, to spoil the boys with candy from honey dukes any time Dumbledore wasn't drowning him in work and loved giving the two personal classes in potions as he refused to have them act like fools in future classes.

   Hadrian was quite surprised when he discovered Severus was Severus Snape, the youngest potion master ever and his praise nearly made the man blush. He also realized that the man was not only his honorary godfather but his actual godfather as well. But he kept that little bit of information to himself as he feared telling Severus would reveal who he actually was. Lucius still knew who he was but had promised Hadrian to keep it a secret as Dumblebee's twinkling eyes loved to use Legilimency on those when they least expect it. But despite Severus knowing he was hiding his true identity, the man did not push and treated him with the same care he did with Draco. Hadrian finally had a family and he didn't want to let go any time soon.

(What creature do you think Narcissa and Severus have? Lucius is a Veela)

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