Hadrian Dorian Peverell - 4

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Edited - December 30, 2023

   When Silverclaw returned, he had two other goblins with him and a healer who had been sworn to secrecy on their magic that nothing that took place in this room leaves the room unless given permission from the patient. Lucius had just finished reading the parts about the blocks and potions to explain to the shaking boy when the healer interrupted him. Having seen the blood on his small back sent the healer into a tizzy and she quickly introduced herself as Marcy before insisting Harry's shirt had to go.

Before Harry could even respond, his shirt was spelled away and quickly grabbed Raven as she freaked out. "Don't worry Raven, I'm okay." He whispered. To those around him it sounded like Harry was just comforting his snake and calming her down but Silverclaw and Lucius knew otherwise. Now that his mother figure was calm again and cuddled up around his waist, Harry turned his attention back to the others. "Sorry about that, you scared her is all. She won't hurt you." Harry reassured the nervous healer. "Quite alright dear. Now, can you tell me who did this to you sweetheart?" Marcy asked gently having had to deal with abuse cases in the past and knew that a raised voice would scare the child. Harry looked at her worriedly, "I... I can't tell you... he told me I would be in a whole new world of hurt if I ever told anyone!"

Marcy just looked at Lucius who shook his head not knowing either who would dare hurt Harry. She sighed and knelt down on front of Harry before carefully pulling him into a hug. Harry's body shook as he cried and Raven slithered up his body and nuzzled his cheek with her head. Harry sniffled as Marcy whispered a spell he didn't recognize as a scroll of parchment materialized in front of her and she gasped at the length of it. Marcy informed him later that it was a spell of all past and current injuries and the kind healer apologized before handing the scroll to the goblins and frantically wiped both her and Harry's tears away.

"I need to heal your back first okay?" She stated, not wanting to scare Harry or cause him to flinch and worsen his injuries. She handed him two vials of dark liquid and told him to drink both as they would help him heal and take away the pain. He drank them both quickly and was not embarrassed to say he shuddered at the taste making Marcy smile. She whispered a spell to put both Harry and his snake to sleep and transformed his chair into a bed. She laid him down on his stomach and gently moved his wings around as she healed the marks on his back.

As she did this, the three goblins discussed the ritual needed to remove all the blocks and potions as painlessly as possible. Lucius flooed to his manor to spend time with his son as promised, knowing that Harry was in good hands but not before writing a note explaining where he went and requested for the goblins to give it to the boy when he wakes back up. Lucius worried about the boy greatly as making a horcrux was one of the worst possible things for one to do to their soul and drives you insane. He would know as he had witnessed what it did to his Lord. One is bad enough, but Harry had a small sliver of 1% of a soul meaning he was the seventh one Voldemort made! Luckily Goblins had their own magic compared to wizards and completed the task of removal with Harry asleep and no more harm came to him in the process.

When Harry woke back up, Raven was curled up on the back of his neck and his body felt lighter then it had in years. "Raven? What happened?" Harry groaned. "Feeling much better I hope Mr. Potter?" Silverclaw asked as he looked up from desk. "Yes I am, thank you Silverclaw." Harry said embarrassed, realizing that he had fallen asleep. "Don't you worry Mr.Potter, Marcy put you to sleep to help heal you quicker and it made it much easier for us Goblins to remove those pesky blocks and potions as well. The horcrux was also safely removed and has returned to its rightful soul."

Harry quickly twisted around to see his back no longer hurt and had been wrapped up. "Unfortunately we can't make some your deeper scars go away due to nerve damage but for the most part you are now good as new. However, as a creature you are in danger of others wanting to use you for power as only those from powerful bloodlines and magic receive such an inheritance like you did. Most don't need to be emancipated as creature inheritances normally occurs after the age of 14 when a wizard is considered to have a strong enough hold over their magic and have family who are also part creature to help but for you, there is an exception." Silverclaw paused to give the shocked boy a moment to absorb all the information.

   Harry blinked a few times as his mind raced but came to a stop after taking a deep breath. "So what you saying is that I am powerful so people want to use me and because of that I can be considered an adult at age 10 with your help?" "Very good Mr.Potter! I'm glad you are able to keep up. Now, due to your bloodlines, I will be your account manager from now on as Lady Malfoy is from the Black family tree as are you due to your blood adopted father Sirius. As for business, unfortunately Dumbledore hasn't just put blocks and potions on you..." "Has he been stealing money from me as well?" Harry asked feeling exhausted once again, even after just waking back up. "Yes, it seems the people you were potioned to trust are already being paid with your money. Do you want me to cancel those transactions and get your money back?" Silverclaw bluntly asked.

   Harry just sat there silently for a moment before a small smirk grew on his face. He was suddenly glad he had been forced to listen to his uncle constantly grumbling about money as he sort of understood and made a request, "Can you charge interest on the stolen money?" Silverclaw grew a matching smirk knowing he liked this boy for a reason. "Why yes we can! I'll get started on it immediately. However, we have a few more matters to discuss. You own many properties and I think it is safe to say you won't be returning to your previous guardians."  Harry smirk grew into a happy smile as Silverclaw handed him a long list of properties from all his bloodlines. He was made aware of many investments his families have made too but Silverclaw promised to take of thing for him and send a summary of it all once he is finished working through it all.

   With Raven's help, Harry decided to stay at the Black family manor after being told that Lucius's family manor was near by. It also had a nice big garden and green house that Harry was excited to use as gardening was the only chore besides cooking he enjoyed. "You said we had a few matters to discuss, what are the others?" Harry asked with genuine curiosity. "Because you have been emancipated, you are technically an adult, making you old enough to accept your lordships instead of just the heir ring minus the Black family due to Sirius still being alive and currently holding the lordship."

So once again with Silverclaw's help, Harry got matters done. He put on all the rings and the magic accepted him by shrinking down to the size he needed so they wouldn't fall off. He shivered as the magic in each ring accepted him and it's protective magic flew over his small body. His Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw rings all combined into one ring with the Hogwart's crest proudly showing on his right hand's ring finger. On his pointer finger sat his Potter ring in the right and Peverell on the left. He also was given a card connected to one of his Potter vaults with a small fee. At the end of the day and a legal changing of his name, Hadrian Dorian Peverell, friend of the goblins, made his way to his new home and Harry James Potter was no more. Knowing he would already be singled out for his family name, Hadrian hid all his rings but the Peverell for others to see but took comfort in the cold feeling of them resting on his skinny fingers.

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