Increased work - 26

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    Break was unfortunately over and it was time to return to Hogwarts. Hogwarts itself was amazing and Hadrian loved his castle but the fool currently running it was the problem. Regardless, he hopped onto the express with his brother and they happily exchanged stories from over break with their friends. They thanked each other for their gifts as well. Dumbledore welcomed them all back with his caring grandfather mask put on. He tried to make eye contact with Hadrian too but pouted as he got completely ignored. Soon enough, dinner ended and everyone quickly fell asleep.

   Hadrian was the first up per usual and grabbed a book to read in the common room after getting ready. As he reads and waits for his friends to wake up, his godfather walks in through the portrait and grabs his attention. "Hadrian?" Severus called. Hadrian bookmarked his page and looked up at his godfather. "Yes uncle Sev?" The potion master slightly blushed as some of the older years already up quietly snicked. "Hades, I thought I told you to only call me that in private." Hadrian just gave a smug little smirk, "But uncle Sev, everything that happens in Slytherin, stays in Slytherin so technically we are in private." Severus just sighs in defeat and whispers under his breath, "brat".

   Hadrian's smile grows and lets out a small giggle. "Well I was going to ask if you wanted a chance to challenge yourself in class more but I guess you don't want it..." Severus says with a sigh, dramatically sweeping his robe away and pretends to not hear his godson chasing after him. He stops as Hadrian is about to reach him and smirks as he runs smack into his back. Severus turns and raised an eyebrow as the boy huffs as he sits on the floor. "Did you say something?" "Yes" Hadrian grumbles as he picked himself off the ground. "Well?" The man drawls in a hidden playful tone as his older snakes watch the scene play out.

   "Can you... can you help make my classes harder... please" Hadrian asks quietly. Severus pretends to think for a second before smirking. "Hadrian I've already discussed it with all your teachers and they have created extra homework to hopefully keep you busy and entertained. However I do suggest arriving to class a bit early to discuss it with them all personally." Hadrian hugs Severus and then freezes when remembering he was in the Slytherin dorms. He pulled away and held his hand out. "Thank you for this opportunity professor, I won't let you down!" He says with his mask on but a mischievous look in his eyes. Severus smirks and shakes the much smaller hand, "I wouldn't expect any less from you Lord Peverell."

   When Hadrian's friends finally woke up, they were suspicious of the smile he struggled to wipe off his face. They questioned him all throughout breakfast but couldn't get a single answer out of him. Hadrian had a lot of fun teasing his friends and always responded with a smirk or smile and an occasional, "You'll see..." With twenty minutes till Transfiguration began, Hadrian hopped off his seat as he was still too small for his feet to touch the floor and walked off. Still not answering his friends questions, they scarfed down a few more bites and followed after him.

   Knowing that McGonagall enjoyed spending a few minutes in her office before class began, Hadrian dropped his stuff off in his seat and walked to the door connected to her office. He knocked on the open door to make her aware of his presence and she smiled when she realized who was at her door. "Hello Mr. Peverell, I assume Professor Snape already told you about increasing your work for class?" She said kindly and smirked at the split second of shock that flashed upon his friend's faces. "Yes ma'am, I was curious about what you would be having me do which is why I came to class early." Hadrian stated in a pure blood manner that he knew would make the Dark Lord proud. "To be put simply, you will be expected to create more detailed transfigurations than your classmates and once I am satisfied, you may walk around and help your classmates improve as well. Does that sound acceptable to you?" Hadrian just smiled and nodded.

   Hadrian flashed a beaming smile at his friends and practically skipped to his seat. He slightly swung his legs under the table until he felt someone flick his earlobe to gain his attention. "Owwwwwwa" He whined, turning to see his brother giving him a look which silently demanded an answer. Not wanting to deal with a grumpy Draco for the rest of the day, Hadrian held his hands up in defense. "Look, all my teachers could tell I was bored in class and wanted to help me to continue to grow my magical potential. I asked them for help and they agreed over break. I only found out this morning and wanted to have a little fun teasing you all, that's all!"

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