Chapter 9: Flashing Lights

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     I woke up to the light of the morning entering through the windows. Sitting up in bed, I had to look around the room for a minute after rubbing my eyes to remind myself that I was in a stranger's house. Not only was I in a stranger's house, but I was in the bedroom of a BOY. Not only was I in the bedroom of a boy, but this particular boy was a CRIMINAL.

     Once I got out of the huge bed, I went over to the couch, which had a pillow and crumpled blanket on it. The door of the bathroom was closed and I heard the shower water running, so I assumed that Giovanni was getting ready for the day. Even though Giovanni seemed kind of sweet so far, I really missed Julie and Nikki. Everything felt lonely without them.

     The door of the bathroom opened and Giovanni stepped out, wearing nothing but a white towel wrapped around his bottom half. I just stood there with wide eyes. This guy clearly has no boundaries.

     "What?" Giovanni said while laughing.

     "Um, nothing," I replied while pretending to find something to try and break the awkwardness. He couldn't see, but my cheeks were blushing more than I wanted them too.

     Giovanni went into his closet to get dressed, so I went to make the bed. Even though Giovanni was a murderer, I still wanted to be a good guest.

     Giovanni came out wearing a white t-shirt, black, ripped jeans, and a black, leather jacket. Shit, he's pretty good looking.

     "So, Alina," Giovanni said. "Do you want to come downstairs with me to have breakfast?"

     "Sure," I said quietly. Even though he was nice, Giovanni still felt like a stranger to me, so I was pretty shy.

     I followed him down the beautiful staircase. No one else, except for a huge German Shepherd, was downstairs yet.

     "Who is this cutie pie?" I said while going over to the giant dog. I am a huge animal lover, so I can't contain myself when I see a furry friend.

     "Oh, that's Luther," Giovanni said.

     "He's super cute," I replied, smiling at Luther the dog. He licked my face, which made me giggle. Giovanni smiled at me.

     "He seems like he really likes you," he said.

     "I love you, Luther," I said while hugging him. "Okay, big boy, I have to go get breakfast, I'll see you soon." I gave Luther one last pet before following Giovanni into the kitchen.

     The kitchen, like the rest of the house, was absolutely stunning. Giovanni went to the fridge and took out the eggs.

     "Do you want scrambled eggs?" Giovanni asked me. A boy has NEVER offered to cook me anything, so I was taken back for a second.

     "Sure, thank you," I replied. "Do you have pancakes or waffles in the house?"

     "Hell yeah, I fuckin love pancakes! My brothers always bitch at me because I like cooking, but I can totally make you some pancakes," Giovanni said.

     "That would be great!" I said while smiling.

     When Giovanni was finished cooking, he brought the food over to the table. I was shocked when I saw how good the food looked. I was absolutely starving, so I started eating right away.

     "Mmm, these pancakes are so good!" I said while stuffing the fluffy pancakes in my mouth. Giovanni probably thought I was crazy.

     "I'm glad you like them," Giovanni said while laughing.

     While eating, I heard some footsteps coming down the stairs. I was ELATED to see Julie and Nikki, so I got up from the table and ran over to them.

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