Chapter 7: Plan

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     The three boys walked Alina, Nikki, and I out of Daddy Bongiovi's office. My head was still exploding with thoughts. My best friends and I were literally trapped in a Mafia mansion. How the fuck were we going to get out?

     While walking, I stared up at the young man next to me, who looked down at me with his brown eyes. I did not know what to feel. This monster who is a fuckin killer is interested in MARRYING me. Plus, to top it off, his dumbass brothers want to marry my friends.

     We went to the other side of the upstairs level of the house. The boys took us inside of a big room that had fancy couches and shelves of books. The one who was next to me closed the door behind us, then started speaking.

     "Well, girls, I think it would be a wise idea if we had a more formal introduction after this wild night," he said in a cocky voice.

     I rolled my eyes at him. What an arrogant fool.

     "My name is Antonio," he continued. "As you can clearly tell, I am the eldest of the group. This is Giovanni," he said while pointing to the guy who was with Alina. "This is the youngest of our little trio, Leonardo," he said as he pointed to the guy next to Nikki.

     There was an awkward silence in the room for a minute as the six of us stared at each other. This was so fuckin weird. How the hell do three guys who just murdered a bunch of people expect us to warm up to them?

     "So," Antonio continued. "What are your names?"

     After standing quietly for a few seconds, I finally decided to stand up to the dickhead.

     "My name is Julie," I said strongly. "This is Alina, and this is Nikki," I added while pointing at my two besties. I was not going to let these assholes think that they owned us.

     "Well, Julie," Antonio said in a soft, deep voice while walking closer to me. It felt too close for comfort. His face was right in front of mine and his devilish eyes stared directly into mine.

     "You and your friends better make yourselves comfortable since you will be here for a while," Antonio continued. I could feel his breath on my face as he spoke slowly. We had just officially introduced ourselves and I already felt that he had a huge sense of power over me.

     "Well," I said in a quiet, whispery voice, right to his face. "Not if I have anything to do with it."

     Giovanni and Leonardo giggled like a bunch of pussies in the back while Antonio continued staring directly into my eyes. The serious look on his face remained, despite his stupid brothers laughing their asses off.

     "Okay, Cupcake, maybe you should consider shutting your mouth or I will eat you up," Antonio said, practically yelling at me. Alina and Nikki looked at me fearfully, giving me the sign that I should probably keep my mouth zipped.

     I stared at Antonio for a minute with my big, blue eyes, hoping to strike some guilt nerve in his body.

     "Sorry," he said, clearing his throat, looking at me with sad eyes.

     "Dude, I need a fuckin beer, can we go downstairs?" Giovanni whined.

     "Yes, Giovanni," Antonio groaned while looking back at his brother.

     Holy shit. Maybe when they go downstairs, that will be our chance to escape. Before I got my hopes up, Leonardo barged in.

     "We need to lock the door so they don't get out," he said. God, that clever moron ruined my plan!

     "You're right, Leo. Ladies," Antonio said while looking at me again. "We will be going downstairs to get some refreshments, but don't think this is some free ride."

     Antonio pulled a small key out of his pocket, dangling it in front of me with a grin. God, I can't stand this asshole. The three brothers then walked to the door of the room.

     "See you soon, girls," Antonio said with a wink before closing the door behind him. I saw the doorknob shake a little as it was locked by that monster.

     I took a deep breath before turning to look at Alina and Nikki, who were just as pissed as I was.

     "Um, whatever happened to having a basic meal and drinks at an Italian restaurant?" Alina said. "If I knew that being kidnapped and watching people get murdered was part of this party tonight, I totally would have just stayed at home and ordered pizza."

     "I am fucking livid!" I yelled in a shaky voice while holding back tears. "Why the fuck is this happening? Why? We finally had something good happen for us and it got ruined! Plus, innocent people got shot and killed! What the fuckin hell!"

     I just let it all out. I didn't give a shit if these nutjob Mafia morons heard me. There was a minute of silence between the three of us as I was catching my breath.

     "Well, just to lighten the mood, at least our kidnappers are hot," Nikki said in a small voice.

     "Shut up, Nikki," Alina said. God, she just always says the wrong things at the wrong times.

     "Okay, we need to get our shit together," I said while trying to pull myself out of my bad mood. "We need to get the hell out of this fuckin place before I lose my mind more than I already have."

     "Definitely. I didn't even get to have that delicious Italian food tonight so I am pissed," Nikki said.

     "Wait, I think I have a good idea," Alina said in a whisper. "How about we can kill Daddy Bongiovi when his sons aren't looking?"

     I looked at her with excited eyes. Alina was a genius.

     "Oh my god, and we can 'pretend' to fall in love with his sons and one of us can steal a gun from one of them when they are asleep or some shit," Nikki said enthusiastically.

     I liked the way these girls were thinking.

     "Plus, when that motherfucker is dead, we can take ALL the money that they probably have hiding somewhere in this mansion," Alina said with wide eyes.

     "Holy shit, I think we've got a good fuckin plan," I said with relief. "First, pretend to fall in love with the three stoonads. Second, kill the dumbass father. Third, take the money. Fourth, get the hell out of here."

     "We will be able to pay off the mortgage of our house and we'll never struggle again. Plus, we will totally be able to expand the salon into the city, just like we've always dreamed of," Alina said.

     "Okay, I agree with every part of this plan except for the one where we pretend to fall in love with the boys," Nikki said.

     "Um, but weren't you the one who recommended that?" I replied.

     "Yes, but I don't think I want to pretend to fall in love with them," Nikki said while squinting her eyes and smiling. She's nuts.

     "Nikki, you can find a million other guys out there. Why the hell would you want to be with a criminal?" I said.

     "Well, I think there's a certain thrill to it, you know? It's fun, it's dangerous, it's bad," Nikki said while shaking her shoulders.

     "Look, you can do your stupid bad girl shit another time, right now, all that matters is that we get back home," Alina said.

     "Exactly, thank you, Alina," I replied. She drives me nuts sometimes, but at least she uses common sense.

     "Ugh, fine, you both are right," Nikki said, finally giving up on her dumb dream of being with a bad boy.

     "We know we're right, now, let's play the part and get out of here," Alina said while looking at Nikki and I seriously.

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