Chapter 15: The Key

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     It is just another boring ass day in this fuckin cell. I hate being here. I don't deserve to be here. Lombardi should be here sitting behind these bars all day, not me.

     I just want to see my beautiful Juliette. I need to get the hell out of this place and get back at that motherfucker who ruined everything for me.

     "Alright, boys," the officer said, walking down the aisle of cells. "It is time for lunch, so get your asses moving."

     My cell, along with the others, opened up. Lunch at this place was always fuckin disgusting, so I slowly walked out of my cell, following the inmates. I wish I could eat a sub at Rossi's. Man, that guy made some great food.

     As I was walking, I saw the officer, who was ahead of me, hang a silver key on the wall. He then walked out with some of the other inmates. Holy shit, this is my chance. Before exiting the aisle of cells, I grabbed the fuckin key off the wall. Yes! Finally! I'm going to get out of this place.

     I slipped the key into the pocket of my bright, orange pants. Wait till I tell Angelo and Gabriele about this. I think I am actually excited to go to lunch now.

     Once I arrived at the lunch room, which is painted gray and filled with metal tables, I got my disgusting ass food from the cafeteria worker and sat at the table with my boys.

     "You are never going to believe it," I said to Angelo and Gabriele, who sat at the table with me, in a whispery voice. "I got the key, we are going to get the hell out of here."

     "Fuck yeah, that's my man," Angelo replied while chuckling.

     "Nice job, man," Gabriele said while grinning.

     As the hours passed, day finally became night. This was it. This was our time to shine. I took the key, put my hand outside the bars of the jail cell, twisted the key, and heard the greatest sound ever. I pushed the cell door with my finger and it opened. I smiled from ear to ear.

     I then quietly scurried over to Angelo and Gabriele's cells. I unlocked them and my boys came out to join me. We all just smiled at each other.

     The three ran down the hallways of the prison and got the hell out of that awful place, laughing our asses off along the way. Next stop: Lombardi's house.

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