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"Why are you laughing?" I'm feeling confuse because I thought I had it right. 

"I'm not working as a spy for the vampires, Yeji. Why would I do that? I have no plans to help them. They can all die" she pauses, "except one."

"The one you kissed?" I try to control my jealousy. 

"I didn't kiss her. She kissed me. How many times do I have to say that?" She gets defensive. 

"But why save her?" I curiously ask. 

"Because she was my only friend. Whenever I was hurt, she would help me and take care of me."

I know she helped my mate but Sarina and I want to find her to rip off her lips for kissing my mate. 

 'Yeji, come see me in my office' Beomgyu orders and I'm cursing him out in my head because I hate when he wants to talk when I'm spending time with my mate. 


"Your brother wants to see me so I have to go so I'll see you later" I stand up. I think about giving her a kiss on the cheek but I decide not to because she might not like it even though she asked for a kiss earlier but that moment was ruined because I was sad I wasn't her first kiss.

I leave her in the kitchen and I go to Beomgyu's office. He's been really stressed lately because of Jinyoung. He's trying to handle this situation the best he can because of Yuna. He's not sure how Yuna will handle it if we prove that Jinyoung has been working with the vampires. 

I walk into his office and I see Jinyoung with him. 

"What's going on?" I ask. 

"My dad here says that Ryujin fractured his wrist" He says and Jinyoung shows me his wrist. 

"She shouldn't be in this pack. She's a threat to us. We don't know what she's up to. She could be working for the vampires. I was minding my own business and she just attacked me" Jinyoung accuses my mate. 

I bite my tongue to stop myself from lashing out at him. 

"I've also heard that Ryujin was able to defeat Lia during training? She beat Lia's wolf with her human body?" Beomgyu ask and I don't know if I like where this is going. Did his doubts about his dad disappeared? 

"That's true. I was surprised too. She did say that the vampires trained her" I share. 

"See, why would they train her if they don't consider her as an ally? You're being tricked by her. You should kick her out before she destroys this pack. She thought we abandoned her so she probably hates us. How can she accept us so easily if she thought we betrayed her. It doesn't make sense."

"Shut up" I can't listen to him anymore. 

"Yeji!" Beomgyu growls and I cower right away. It's an automatic response since he's my Alpha. 

"If you don't let her go now, it will hurt you more in the future. Take my advice, Yeji. I'm just trying to protect you" Jinyoung calmly say to me. 

"Dad, I'll take care of it from here. Leave Yeji and I alone" Beomgyu orders his dad to leave. 

"Okay, son. I'll respect whatever your decision will be."

"You're not serious, are you? You're siding with your dad now?" I angrily say as soon as Jinyoung leaves. 

"Don't be dumb, Yeji. I have to act like I'm siding with him or he will think something is up or that we don't trust him. But him coming to me and asking me to kick Ryujin out is definitely suspicious since he requested that I banned her before we even knew she was my mom's missing pup. The more I look into this, the more it's looking like my dad is a traitor. If he really knew who Ryujin was when we first met her then he must have helped those vampires take her when we were pups. The attacks just seems so random to me. They've attacked us twice now. The first time, Ryujin was the victim then everything was quiet after that. Then Ryujin appears and there's a second attack and she was still the victim. I just need to know why she is the victim. If my dad is working with the vampires to get Ryujin, why? Her being someone else's pup is not enough reason to want to hurt her unless he's that petty or evil" Beomgyu starts thinking out loud and I just let him. 

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