Decided to do a yandere alphabet

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Help me. But ya know what? I might do one for Jango too. This isn't gonna be as good as Birdie's but it's ok-

Affection: How do they show you affection; how intense can it get?

Not that much, but when he's in a bad mood, he hold you in his arms for a while and silently cuddle you.


Blood: How dirty is he willing to get when it comes to you?

Bro he's BOBA FETT. Use your brain


Cruelty: How will they treat you once kidnapped? Will they mock you?

He might a bit, but it's mainly just affection from him.


Darling: Besides kidnapping you, would he do anything against his darling's will?

Well other than killing your friends and family... nothing really.


Exposed: How much of his heart do you bare?

Almost all of it. He's never really loved someone and he gives almost his entire heart to you.


Fight: How would be feel if you taught back?

He'd laugh tauntingly a bit but eventually he'd get bored of it and tell you to stop.


Game: Is this a game to them? Would he like watching his darling try to escape?

No, not really. At first it was, but it became more serious.


Hell: Your worst experience with him.

He once slapped you - hard - across the face. He felt terrible and showered you in gifts for days. I'd say knowing your friends and family died, but you never found out about it.


Ideals: What he sees in the future with you.

Y'all I can't even think of one just read Blueninjablade3's


Jealousy: Does he get jealous, and if he does, does he find a way to cope or lash out?

Oh he definitely gets jealous. If someone even dares to flirt with you, which in unlikely since you're with BOBA FETT, he'll start to radiate a really cold energy and the person flirting with you will eventually back away.


Kisses: How does he act around you?

He really loves you, and since he's never really had anyone to show affection to since his father died, he's kinda awkward but he'll love you as best he can.


Love letters: How would he go about courting/approaching you?

He'd be a bit weird and awkward but he'd warm up to you and give you gifts regularly.


Mask: Are his true colors different than what people think?

Yes. He's always seen as cold and blunt, but he'd really affectionate around you if he's in the mood.


Naughty: How would be punish you?

He'd isolate you and wouldn't let you eat, but eventually he'd cave and get you out because he missed your touch.


Oppression: What rights did he take away from you?

Other than freedom? The right to be outside without being on his arm.


Regret: Does he ever regret kidnapping you? Will he ever let you go?

Nah, bestie


Sigma: What brought this side of him?

He was really affection-starved and, since his father died, had no one to give him that, and you willingly gave him hugs and became a light in his life.


Tears: How would he feel if you screamed/cried/isolated yourself?

If you screamed he'd feel terrible and pull you into his lap, allowing you to scream into his chest. If you cried he'd cuddle you and ask what's wrong, and even if it was him he'd still listen patiently. If you isolated yourself he wouldn't be able to stand it and would eventually drag you back with him to the bed to cuddle (jeez you guys need some holy water).


Unique: Is there anything different from normal yanderes?

Yeah, he doesn't bother to hide the bodies or murders because he doesn't need to; he's a bounty hunter and people will assume there's a reason behind it.


Vice: What can you use to escape him?

Two things. If you hold his hands and do puppy eyes he won't be able to resist any request you have (within reason). The other one is cuddling him willingly, since you'd always been forced to. The affection would make him freeze.


Witts end: Would he ever hurt you?

Never - well, at least not on purpose.


Xoanon: How much does he revere/worship you? What lengths would he go to to win you over?

He loves you with all his heart. He'd do anything for you.


Yearn: How long before he snapped and kidnapped you?

Because of his lack of affection, he'd snap after only 2 months.


Zenith: Would he ever break you?

No! How could he ever break someone as perfect as you?


I love y'all so much. Have a good morning/afternoon/evening/night!! Love you all!!! ❤️❤️❤️-

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