Happy Birthday

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Alas, this one doesn't have Y/N in it. This one's very angsty, sorry about that-

Boba's POV

Boba opened his eyes drowsily. "Happy birthday, Dad," he mumbled, seeing the picture of his father on his bedside table as he sat up in bed. "I miss you."

He impatiently brushed away the tears in his eyes and stood up, getting into his clothes.

It would've been his father's 65th birthday, if Windu hadn't.... Boba shook his head and took a portion from the cupboard.

He sighed as he ate. Once he had finished his breakfast, he stood up and took his holoprojector from the counter, where he had left it last night.

Boba pressed record and stepped backwards.

3rd POV

It had been thirty years since the Battle of Geonosis, and no one had cleaned up the arena. Maybe it was because it wasn't used anymore. Maybe it was because nobody wanted to see the carnage.

The headless body of Jango Fett laid still on the dusty ground. A thin layer of sand had begun to settle on the armor. His head laid a few meters away, eyes wide open.

The holoprojector that lied next to the body began to buzz. It had fallen out of the open pocket of Jango's utility belt years ago.

An image flickered on the rusty piece of metal.

"Hey Dad," a staticky voice said. "Happy birthday." The figure looked at the ground. "You would be sixty-five today. That's when you had told me you would retire. You said you'd have enough credits to live peacefully. So, happy retirement, I guess. I'm sorry I can't be with you in person. I'm just too scared to see your... your body." The figure sighed. "If it's even there.

"I really, really miss you, Dad. I don't know if you'd be necessarily happy to know that I've made a living off bounty hunting, but I have. I'm following in your footsteps, like I always wanted to."

Tears began to trickle down the figure's cheeks.

"I wish you could be here right now. I really do." Sobs started to rack the figures body, and they didn't try to wipe their tears.

"I'm so sorry. I should've stopped you from leaving the balcony. I could've saved you. I guess you're probably at peace now, though. Maybe you're even watching over me." A small smile traced the figure's lips through their tears.

"Happy birthday, Dad."


Sooo I almost cried making this. I don't really know what to say, so have a great day/afternoon/evening /night! Love you all!!! ❤️❤️❤️-

Boba (and some Jango) CB x reader oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now