Modern AU

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I dunno if this is gonna get published.... I'm just so tired but I wanna publish some stories for y'all! It's not your fault, it's my parents'- no, actually, it's just my dad's. But my problems don't matter, you do. So here y'all go! I'm so sorry this doesn't have any art, I can't find much. Btw this is a modern au if you couldn't tell-

Your POV bestie 💅

You opened your eyes drowsily, expecting to see your boyfriend in bed next to you, but the bed was empty. You sat up sleepily, rubbing your eyes and getting out of bed.

The bedroom door was closed, and you opened it silently and walked to the kitchen. You saw Boba standing over the stove with a frying pan. His head turned towards you and he grinned.

Running over to you, he picked you up and hugged you tightly.

"Hey mesh'la!" he said. His cheerful tone made you smile.

"Hey Boba," you said, wrapping your arms around his beaming figure. "Happy anniversary!"

Boba smiled even wider against your skin. "Oh, I love you so much," he murmured. You had rarely seen this super-affectionate side of him, so when you did you loved it.

"You seem in a good mood today," you said, smiling, as Boba let go of you.

Boba's lips found yours. "I am," he said when he pulled away. You fake pouted, expecting a longer kiss.

He laughed lightly and hugged you again before turning back to the pan on the stove. You walked to the bathroom to get ready.

Boba's POV

Boba glanced back at you as you walked to the bathroom. Oh, he loved you so much. But it was more than that.

You were the only person who had stayed with him longer than a week. And you'd been with him for a year! He was convinced he had never found anyone more perfect than you; you were beautiful, smart, amazing, and you genuinely cared about him.

The first person to do so in a while.

But he was still scared you would leave him. Leave him for someone better, someone more handsome, someone kinder, someone more caring, someone who deserved you.

And Boba was sure he didn't.

Your POV again ✨✨

After showering and getting dressed, you walked back to the kitchen. Boba was waiting for you. You saw your favorite breakfast food sitting on the table.

"Wow, thanks Boba," you said, sitting down next to him. "You didn't have to do this."

"Yes I did," he said.

You smiled softly and he squeezed your hand, tracing his thumb along your knuckles.

~Time skip brought to you by Boba Fett being one of my favorite characters ever~

"Hey Boba?" you asked with your head against his shoulder as the two of you watched a movie on the couch.

"Yeah?" he responded, looking down at you.

"Can we cuddle?"

Boba wrapped an arm around your shoulders and pulled you closer to him, kissing your forehead. You wrapped your arms around his torso and closed your eyes, curling up against your boyfriend.

Eventually you fell asleep.

Boba's POV

Your faint breaths on Boba's skin made him feel... he didn't know how to explain it.


Boba glanced at you again. You were so peaceful when you slept.

He stood up slowly, careful not to wake you, and gently set you down again on the couch.

How did he end up with you again?

Your POV 🥳

As your eyes opened, you saw Boba in the chair opposite the couch, head in his hands.

"You ok?" you asked, and his head snapped up.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine," he said.

You could tell he was lying.

"Honey, what is it?" You walked over to him, placing your hands on his shoulders. Boba looked up at you.

"You're too good for me," he sighed.

"What?" you said in shock as he leaned against you. "Who made you think that?"

Boba's POV 

His first girlfriend, who never loved him in the first place.

Jabba, who never paid him the full price of bounties because he 'took too long'.

Mace Windu, who - after killing his father - had expressed his lack of care for the 11-year-old he had orphaned.

Count Dooku, who didn't even try to care for Boba after Jango had died.

Even you, who - during your first and only fight - had left for a period of time.

You came back, though.

But if you left again, would you come back next time?


Pt 2 will be up soon-ish! I think! Have a good day/afternoon/evening/night! Love you all!!! ❤️❤️❤️-

Boba (and some Jango) CB x reader oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now