Where Is She?

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Guest appearances by: Fennec Shand and Random Trandoshan

3rd POV

"Where is she?" Boba growled, pushing the Trandoshan up against the wall of the cantina after he had said Y/N's name. She had been gone for a month and Boba was worried out of his wits. Fennec was sure she hadn't seen him so uptight since... well, she wasn't quite sure.

"I don't know," the Trandoshan squeaked.

"I know you know where she is!" Boba said, his voice rising slightly.

"Boba...," Fennec said warningly, pulling the Mandalorian off of the Trandoshan. A few brave eyes had turned their way.

"She's been gone for a month, Fennec!" Boba said.

"I know," Fennec said. "I miss Y/N too, but we haven't had a lead in a week, and that one was a wild goose chase! We might have to accept the fact that's she's gone."

Boba whirled around to face Fennec.

"You might say that you think that Y/N is dead, but I'm still going to look for her," Boba snarled angrily. "You don't even have to be here with me right now, yet you are. We both want her back. You just don't want to admit how much we both need her."

Boba stalked out of the club, his cape swishing behind him.

Fennec really didn't want to admit it, but she knew that Y/N was a vital part of the two-person team she and Boba had. Y/N was the planner, she was cunning, clever, and strategic. All synonyms for  a genius.

Fennec sighed and followed Boba. He had already entered his ship.

Fennec entered her own and sat down in the pilots seat, wearily taking off her helmet and running her hand through her hair. Boba was doing the same.

Boba had been worried sick. He hadn't eaten, slept or even showered in the past week. He had been planning to tell about his... rather strong feelings he harbored for Y/N the day she had disappeared.

And now she was gone.


I'm so so so sorry I haven't updated! Also, how did this get 750 reads? That's  insane, thanks guys! Part two?

I'm still working on pt 3 of He What?! Love you all!!! ♥️♥️♥️-

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