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-Quick A/N

So I know Jango might be a bit OOC, but that's just because we don't get to see much of his character anyway,  please forgive me 🙏-

Reader's POV

You had gotten back late again. You hoped Jango wouldn't be worried since you both had the same profession and you'd been late before, but never this late. Now that you thought about it, Jango was definitely going to be worried - and mad. As you had predicted, when you opened the door the bounty hunter immediately hugged you tightly.

"I was waiting for you," he said in his adorable accent, pulling back to look at you accusingly but smiling when he saw your face.

"I know," you said. Jango sighed and hugged you again.

" Oh!" he said suddenly. "I have something to show you!" An eager grin lit up his features and he grabbed your hand, leading you to the dining room.

It was softly lit by two candles placed on a table draped in a f/c cloth. There were two dishes of f/f and a pitcher of f/d too (if you like bubble tea well then my friend you will be dining well tonight). You gaped at the scene. "You like it?" Jango asked shyly.

You turned to him. "Yes, of course I do!" you said giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Sit down, sit down!" he said, gently ushering you into a chair. One he had made sure you were seated comfortably, he sat down too.

"You know, this surprise was very original," you teased, and Jango playfully stuck his tongue out at you. Then he went quiet and stared at his hands.

"What's up?" you  asked.

"Nothing," Jango said. He sighed and got up. For a moment you thought he was going to go back to his room, but then Jango walked over to you and bent down.

No way, you thought. He wasn't going to... to propose?! Was he?

Jango Tango's POV (sorry but it rhymes)

Jango bent down on one knee and got out a small box from his pocket. He really hoped you would say yes. He loved you so much.

"Y/N," he said, gazing into your beautiful e/c eyes and faltering for a moment. "I love you more than anything in the world (this is before Boba btw). You make me happy whenever I see you and I want to be with you for the rest of my life. Will you marry me?"

You froze and stared at Jango with wide eyes. You didn't say anything for a solid minute and a half.

Then you hugged Jango tightly. "Is that a yes...?" he asked nervously.

 "Of course, you idiot," you said, cupping Jango's face in your hands and kissing him. "Just making sure," Jango said softly after they had broken apart, and he slipped the ring onto your finger.


Sorry but I'm really bad at endings. Don't forget to love yourself, because I love you all! ❤️❤️❤️-

Boba (and some Jango) CB x reader oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now