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I absolutely despise the... events that happened to Jango on Geonosis so I decided to change it a little and also throw good ol' you into the mix, enjoy!-

Jango sighed and took off his helmet. Boba turned the ship on autopilot and ran over to his father, who had already stumbled into Y/N's arms.

"Dad!" Boba said, hugging his father tightly. "Are you okay?" Jango smiled.

"Yeah, now that I know I can be here with you," Jango said. Y/N sighed and shook her head.

"You're so cheesy," she said. "And that's why you love me," Jango said with a smile. Y/N sighed again as Boba groaned at all the cringiness and clung onto Jango's hand. Jango let go of Y/N and ruffled Boba's hair. Y/N walked over to the controls.

"Any idea where we're going?" she asked. "Dooku needs us on Geonosis, I think," Jango suggested. "Maybe we should head there." Y/N nodded and flipped a few switches, punching the coordinates into the autopilot.

"Any idea why?" she asked. Jango shrugged. "He said he might need........... backup," Jango recalled.

"Well that's ominous," Y/N remarked.

Jango yawned and walked to his room, collapsing on his bed. He had just fought a Jedi. A freakin JEDI!!! 

It was an interesting experience, -10/10, would not try again. 

Jango felt like he had barely closed his eyes when the ship stopped. "Dad, we're here!" Boba called. Jango sat up wearily and walked into the control room. He couldn't wait for another boring meeting about politics.

-time jump because I'm too lazy to write a boring meeting about politics brought to you by Mace Windu's lightsaber-


Jango watched the fighting below nervously. He heard footsteps, and a Jedi entered the balcony, lighting his purple lightsaber and pointing it at Jango's throat, forcing him to step back. Boba stepped back in unison with his father, a concerned look on his face.

Y/N glared at the Jedi but said nothing.

Count Dooku turned around and smirked. "Master Windu," he said softly. "How pleasant of you to join us."

The Jedi simply held his firm gaze on the Sith. "This party's over," he said.

All around the stands, lightsabers lit up the crowd. There were more Jedi here. "Brave," Count Dooku admitted. "But, ah, foolish, my old Jedi friend. You are impossible outnumbered." The Jedi scoffed. "I don't think so," he said.

"We'll see," Count Dooku said simply. Some super battle droids marched onto the already-crowded balcony.

The Jedi deflected all of their blasts and it took Y/N's flamethrower to get him to jump off the balcony and into the fray below.

Suddenly a Jedi leapt onto the balcony, lightsaber drawn and raised, ready to attack Count Doolittle (I am not changing that back). Jango and Y/N stared shooting at his head. The Jedi deflected the first few blasts, but eventually got hit twice and fell over the side, getting trampled by the rhino-thingy (I think it was a Mudhorn?).

Jango looked at Y/N and jetpacked to the battlefield, Y/N following behind him. The Jedi who had tried to decapitate Jango had lost his lightsaber. Jango lunged for it, but the Jedi Force-pulled it towards himself.

Jango stood up quickly and glanced at Y/N. She was shooting at lots of different Jedi, hoping to injure them (at least).

"Behind you!" Y/N called, and Jango turned around just in time to see the Mudhorn running towards him. Jango got caught up in its feet and rolled around on the ground for a while efore he managed to squirm away. His jetpack was sparking.

The Mudhorn came back for another round but Jango managed to stand up again and shoot at the beast. The Mudhorn collapsed on the sandy ground.

Jango started shooting at the purple-bladed Jedi, but he easily deflected all of the blasts. Jango tried steadily backing away, but the Jedi advanced quicker and quicker until he had even cut off Jango's hand. He frantically tried to start his jetpack and was closing his eyes preparing for the end when the Jedi abruptly stopped.

Y/N had shot the Jedi in the head. He wasn't dead or even majorly injured, but it had been enough to distract him. Jango jetpacked (this is the term I am using from now on) to the balcony after Y/N.

Y/N let Jango lean on her as she lead him to Slave I, Boba nervously trailing behind them. The door opened and Y/N set Jango down on a cot.

"I love you, mesh'la," he whispered, before he lapsed into unconsciousness.


If I'm being honest, when I first watched Attack of the Clones I was devastated when Jango died, because I absolutely hate it when people loose parental figures. That's why I had so dreaded Padmé dying and hoped Anakin's dreams wouldn't come true. But now Jango's alive in my mind at least so I can finally post this and go to bed. Love you all!!! ❤️❤️❤️-

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