The Criminal Underworld

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Dunno how these things keep happening to me (if you have a theory let me know) but at least now I have the time to write another oneshot! I tested negative for COVID so I'm pretty sure it's just the common cold-

 Boba's POV

Boba lazily glanced up as you walked into the room. Then he actually looked at you and almsot choked on some saliva. You were ✨BEAUTIFUL✨ (you know it's true). Your h/c hair went perfectly with your e/c eyes and the small smile you had on your lips made Boba blush, suddenly grateful for his helmet.

Boba cleared his throat and sat up a little straighter. "State your purpose," he said. Fennec walked up behind you. "This is Y/N," she said. Boba nodded, a signal for Fennec to continue speaking. "Y/N is a very accomplished bounty hunter-"

"Then why haven't I heard her name?" Boba asked suddenly. He saw a look of irritation flash across Fennec's face; she hated it when he interuppted her. "I dunno, let me talk," Fennec said. Boba chuckled and nodded.

Fennec inhaled and continued. "Y/N was the girl who pushed you into the carbonate freezing chamber a few years back. Y/N's face was red. Boba gaped at the new arrival. "That was her?" he asked incredulously. His getting shoved into the freezing chamber was  easily Boba's most embarrassing moment. Y/N was staring at the ground, her hands fidgeting nervously. Boba stood up. 

"So why is she here?" he asked Fennec. "Well..." Fennec said slowly. "I figured you might need some help while I'm gone."

"Gone?" Boba repeated. Y/N's head snapped in Fennec's direction, a look of apprehension on her face.

Reader's POV

Wait, Fennec wasn't staying? Why not? All those questions and more raced through Y/N's mind. Did Fennec expect you to just act cool in front one of the literal best bounty hunters in the galaxy alone? Apparently she did.

"Where are you going?" Y/N heard Boba ask, and her attention returned to him. "A place, for a job," Fennec said shortly. "It should only take a week."

Boba scoffed. "It should," he quoted. Fennec nodded.

"Probably less," she said. "I'll leave you two to it." And she left the room. Y/N glanced at Boba. A lot of nervous thoughts were running through her head. "Hey," Y/N said with a shy wave. "Hey," Boba said, his tone impassive. Y/N could feel his stare and her face got even redder as she glanced away. "So..." she said in a small voice. "Should I just go?"

"Actually," Boba said. "I have an idea."

-Another A/N

End of pt 1! . Sorry I posted this late though, I meant to post it yesterday. I'll see if I have time to post pt 2 today but I'll probably do it tomorrow. If you have any ideas (like character specifications or scenarios) let me know! Love you all! ❤️❤️❤️-

Boba (and some Jango) CB x reader oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now