Of Course. Mistletoe.

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So I haven't checked up on this book in a while (so sorry about that) and it turns out THIS HAS 1.7K READS!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH GUYS!!!!! Also, the most of this doesn't really fit in with the title, and I'm so sorry about that as well-

Your POV

You were never one to get into the 'Life Day spirit', as everyone liked to call it. While your friends obsessed over decorating, you could usually be found reading a book. You did buy them presents though.

You walked into your, Boba, and Jango's shared apartment to see a crowd of people in the living room.

"Hey cyare," Jango called when he finally saw you.

You walked over to him. "Jango, why are all of these people here?" you asked, arching an eyebrow.

"Because it's ✨Life Day✨, Y/N/N," Jango explained. You had forgotten how much he liked the holiday. And it seemed he had forgotten how much you didn't care.

"Alright then," you said, unamused. "I'm just going to go to our room and read."

Then a slightly-drunken Bossk stepped out from the crowd and you glared at Jango, who blushed and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

"You have to kiss first," Bossk said.

"What?" you asked.

The Trandoshan pointed above your head and you looked up, letting out a sigh.

"Of course," you mumbled. "Mistletoe."

You sent another glare to Jango, who sent you another embarrassed smile.

"Sorry," he said.

You sighed again and leaned forwards, giving Jango a small peck on the lips.

"Now can I go read?" you asked, not waiting for an answer and departing for your and Jango's shared room.

"Bye cyare!" you heard Jango yell. You rolled your eyes.

As you went inside, you saw Boba reading on the bed.

"Hey there," you said, sitting down next to him and taking out your book.

"Hi," Boba replied, and you read in comfortable silence.

~A few hours later (timeskip brought to you by my dad's headless action figure of Bossk)~

Finally you heard all of the action in the living room slowly die down and you knew the Life Day party had ended. Boba had fallen asleep about an hour ago.

You had finished your book forty-five minutes ago and now were starting the third and final book in the series.

Once you were sure there were no people left, you exited your room and saw Jango sitting at the table, his head placed on the cool white surface.

"Are you alright?" you asked quietly.

"Yeah," Jango murmured. "My head just hurts a bit and I feel like I'm gonna-"

He covered his mouth and ran to the bathroom. You sighed and followed, crouching next to him as he threw up in the toilet.

"Want some water?" you offered, and Jango nodded weakly before he threw up again.

You stood up and walked to the kitchen, quickly grabbing a glass and the pitcher of water, adding a few ice cubes to the cup before pouring the water.

You returned to the bathroom to see Jango laying in the floor, eyes closed. You knew he wasn't sleeping.

You gently nudged his shoulder and Jango opened one eye.

"I got your water," you whispered, knowing Jango was very sensitive to noise when he was drunk. He sat up slowly and took the glass from your hand, raising it to his lips.

"Thanks," he said.

"Anytime," you replied, helping him stand up.

Jango smiled weakly and leaned against you as he stood. "I'm cold," he whined.

You sighed and squeezed his shoulder, leading him to your shared bedroom and pausing near the doorway.

Jango sent you a confused look and you pointed above your heads.

"Of course," he said, mimicking your tone from earlier. "Mistletoe." 

You laughed gently and Jango pressed his lips to yours in a long, slow kiss. He tasted like ne'tra gal. When you pulled away, he grabbed onto your hand tighter and sent you a sad look.

"I'll give you another kiss in the morning," you said as you walked to your room. "After you go to bed."

Jango fell asleep pretty quickly after that.


I decided to do this request for both Jango and Boba Fett. Feeling pretty proud of myself.... Have a great morning/afternoon/evening/night! Love you all!!! ❤️❤️❤️-

Boba (and some Jango) CB x reader oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now