thirty eight | date night pt1

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"Y'all are so annoying, oh my God, if you're so desperate to meet him? He'll be here tonight to pick me up, damn, now move, move, I have a date," Stevie pushed passed Cassidy heading for her bedroom.

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Luna snapped a couple pictures of Stevie. "You look like a doll, you're so freaking goregous, Stevie. This guy is lucky to have you on his arm tonight,"

Stevie smiled as she turned primping in the mirror. "Ah, I can't thank you enough, Luna. And you know what? You're absolutely right. His ass better kiss my feet when he sees me, I look too good, period," She flaunting around in the ravishing, pink dress Tremaine picked out for her.

Which flattered her skin and curve's quite well, both Stevie and Luna were rather impressed. "Mhm, he sure has good taste, Stevie, I mean this is a piece from Haven Gissupe, it's apart of his spring collection, this isn't out yet, wow, he got some money too I see," Luna complimented thee dress and thee matching gloves that accessorized the dress, bringing the look together.

"He's.. He's something, Lu," Stevie voiced softly. As Luna bent to help her get her heels strapped on.

"Yeah?" Luna looked up at her. "You like him, Stev? That's all that matters is if you like him?"

She shrugged shyly. "I mean.. Yeah, I guess I do. He, he makes me smile, frown sometimes too. But, he does make me smile alot, he's a real gentleman ya'know? He's honest, straight forward and he's so fine, I'm talking about fine, Luna," She exaggerated fanning her hand.

Luna, moved to strap Stevie's other shoe up. "How fine we talking?"

"90's classic fine! Baby could be in the category with.. With Larenz Tate, Nas, Tyrin Turner, DeVante Swing, Morris Chestnut, Tupac, Laz Alonso!" She proclaimed fanning her face, as the two of them laughed.

"Okay so he's the good, good lookin' type!" Luna stood up tossing her hands on her hips. "Alright cute face you're all done, so, when is your date?"

"Eight," She looked over at her wall clock to see it was 7:30.

"Ep! He should be here any minute, I gotta --" The buzzer could be heard throughout the apartment. "Oh! He's here, Luna, I'm not ready yet, I gotta put on some perfume, my earrings, and grab my purse," She freaked out walking in a circle.

"You are so cute, Stevie, yeah you're sprung, mama. Calm down I'll go handle it before Cass ass does, just finish doing whatever," Luna turned heading out of the bedroom to get the door.

Stevie took deep exhales, as she stood in her bathroom. Her hands trembled as she picked up the perfume bottle. "Relax Stevie why are you bugging? The man has seen you naked, it's just a date, relax!" She gave herself a peptalk in the mirror.

After spraying on some of the perfume, she moved to place her earrings in her ear. When she grabbed her purse up, tucking her phone inside the bag. She clamped it closed and moved to exit the bedroom.

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