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(A/N: TWO?! FROM TPOT?! /j  Anyway, the art is by me and the assets are from one! Also, Airy kin ( for me it is relating a lot to the character but not exactly like them) moment in school? *nervous laughter* No way!Um

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(A/N: TWO?! FROM TPOT?! /j Anyway, the art is by me and the assets are from one! Also, Airy kin ( for me it is relating a lot to the character but not exactly like them) moment in school? *nervous laughter* No way!
Um... anyway, hope you enjoy the chapter! :)
it has codes and things to decode because I'm such a silly detective /j
And I hope you have an amazing day/night!!)

I blink slowly. "Lantern..." I say slowly, reaching my hand to him. He grabs onto my hand.

"Airy." He says.

Something feels odd.

I feel like I should know this lantern.

A ringing begins to fill my ears.


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