"Hi?" Ashton spots my muddled face and greets me with question.


"Is everything okay?" His light blue eyes runs everywhere while he checks me.

"Yeah, yeah it's just—" I touch my brow and take a deep breath. I need to recover from last few minutes. Ashton averts diligent eye contact and looks behind my shoulder.

"Do I have to wait so long?" Kent is leaning against wall his arms and ankles recently crossed.


"Umm... can we hang out tomorrow instead of today?" I ask.

"Sure, but is everything okay?" He tucks strand of my hair behind ear and peers at Kent.

"Yes, yes, it's just small emergency."

"Okay, well then I have little thing to do tomorrow and then I'm free." I nod and he leaves with little grin.

"Okay." I wave at him and close the door.

"Do you know what "Pencak Silat" is?" Kent asks as if he didn't just ruin my day.

"What have you done?" I draw my stern gaze at him.

"Well, we have good and bad news, but both news are good and bad on their own ways." He walks in living room and I follow him.

"Start with one that won't give me a heart attack." I adjust on sofa and cross my legs since he occupied armchair.

"So we're starting with worst news." I sigh as my eyes roll. "Vera has someone. They're hooking up, that means we can use him."

"And the bad side of news is that he'll protect her at all cost and he'll be in her room all the time." Humans are too predictable to not guess their simple moves.

He snickers and glares at me with those sleepy eyes. "You're quick-witted."

"Why did you put TV on?" I cannot lie, I'm satisfied with this compliment. He looks at TV since I mentioned.

He turns up the volume. Attention isn't with me anymore, he touches his chin thoughtfully when he sees bald man on the screen. There's American news on. I look at his reaction and then screen.

Breaking news! American ambassador, Nicolas Jeffrey was brutally murdered on the Greek island of Mykonos. Forty-seven-years-old Nicolas and his bodyguard were shot in the head. Witnesses find it difficult to describe the offender. The incident caused panic in the community and several senior officials canceled their bookings. The investigation is being carried out on the charge of murder of a public figure. The Greek government calls people to stay calm and assures that there's no such threat in the country.

"How sad." Kent mutters under his breathe, unbothered.

My jaw falls on the floor and I'm trying to be able to speak. I'm petrified and perplexed. "You did it?" My voice is shaking. "Tell me you didn't."

"I didn't." I let out breath I was holding so long.

"But you're involved." He's quiet. "What's the good and bad sides of this news?" I say with still uncontrollable voice and watery gaze.

"Bad side - I helped him to run away and now police will be more mobilized but no one will suspect anything on us." Calm voice tells me.

"It's hard for me to understand what's the benefit of this situation is, except that we should have four eyes and ears instead of two."

The man died while he was trying to kill me, now ambassador, this freaks me out. I couldn't find body and crazy murderer is near us, how on earth did we manage to bring so much darkness and plague here?!

"As for the benefit, there's no need to have four eyes and ears when you can give it to someone else and be freed from work."

"It turns out that you 'saved' him in order to escape from your own work." I narrow my eyes at him.

"And I was waiting for 'thank you'." I snicker. "I think you're failing to understand that we have one less problem now. Police." He smirks satisfied.

"You sacrificed him as a sacrificial lamb. Where is he tho?" I can't believe him. How can he be that brutal and ruthless, using everyone if he needs.

He smiles this time, even more satisfied. "He's Alice's bodyguard." There's too many information in three words. Alice? Murderer? Bodyguard? What?

"A- Alice?"

"That's another topic." He waves unworried hand at me.

"You're sick. Seriously. You helped the killer, you literally sacrificed him and now he's walking next to Alice! You pose a double threat to a pregnant woman!" I'm running out of patience. My hands are gripping sofa's rough yet soft fabric.

"You think I don't care about her?! He's a good man. I trust him." He says, completely still. I'm speechless at the moment. First of all I don't understand why Alice needs bodyguard and if he thinks she's safe I can't say anything.

Technically I don't have any right to protest on a very personal matter. I let go of fabric and get on my feet. "You two...?" I want to know why Alice is so important to him.

"Why do you have urge to know?" He has playful tone and I'm not going to satisfy him by being confused girl.

"Just curiosity." I shrug and try to hide myself from his gaze which can make hole on my clothes if he continues looking like that.

I walk in kitchen and grab green apple from glass bowl. He approaches me and makes coffee for himself. I eat my apple while watching him. Kent doesn't even touch sugar jar, my lips twitch.

I should stop staring at him, it's way too creepy. I turn to magazine laying on island and take another bite. Kent comes behind me and touches my cheek.

It was way too unexpected I don't even flinch, I just stand there frozen. He removes strand of hair from my lips. His other hand finds my lower back and he whispers to my ear. I'm trying to calm down heart that's beating in my chest, throat and head abnormally. "We're cousins." He tells me and leaves kitchen.

I'm speechless. I don't have any thought how to react. Maybe I should yell, maybe I shouldn't hide the fact that I like being close to him, maybe I should teach him how to behave or rip his clothes off.

I walk to stairs. He turns me by my arm. Again. I think he has weird attraction towards my arm. One, brisk click and I'm cuffed to stair railing.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"If we're going to work as team we need to know each other." And he finds spot on the floor, gets comfortable and waits for me to sit down.


Well at least he's alive. Enjoy  <3

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