"I'm sorry what?" Alice choked on her spit as she coughed.

"He looks homeless" A No-Maj commented. The girl Hatter lived inside turned to her slowly and just stared at her.

He's the first human Alice has encountered. They're all laughing at the Doormouse who's standing at one end of the long table doing an imitation of Alice's encounter with the Bandsnatcher. ""He can't hurt me. He can't hurt me!" He was about to do her in. So I had to go up there and pop out its eye. I kept it with me for good luck."

"Even your dream animals hatin on you" Ron spoke through bites of his chicken tenders.

The Hatter isn't paying attention to the mouse, head slumped against his chest. The Hare vibrates as he tries to pour tea. Suddenly the Hatter looks up to see Alice at the edge of the table, looking like a miniature person again.

"When did she shrink?"

"My brains muddled"

He rose to stand in his chair, walking ontop the china and pastries. The plates clash together and food breaks apart, crumbling all over the white tablecloth. He jumps down in front of the small blonde girl. "It's you!" he told her with a smile.

"No it's not!" One of the small animals squeaked back. "It is her, I would know" The man shot back.

"Well as you can see we're still having tea and it's all because it was a special time waiting for your return." He picks her up by the hand and swings her along as he walks back to his chair at the head. "You're terribly late you know, no tea" Hatter sported a cheeky grin.

Alice sat on a stool, still being about the size of the teapot. The cat appeared at the table, sipping on a cup of tea. "Time can be funny in dreams" was the only thing she told him, as she patted down her long pale blue dress. He stared at her for a moment before saying, "You don't look anything like yourself"

Regulus looked conspicuous, "You've met?"

"Have we met?" She pulled her curly hair out of her face.

Andromeda sent her baby cousin a grin, "You're like your daughter Reg"

He titled his head like a confused puppy, "Wouldn't it be the other way around?"

He just smiled and waved a hand at her, "But now you're back you see and we need to get on to the Frabjous day" The animals cheered at the name.

Leaning in close he said, "Investigating things that begin with the letter M. Have you any idea why a raven is like a writing desk?"

Ron looked like he was solving an equation, "Wha- Alice didn't you ask us this once?"

She smiled softly, "Did I?"

Alice turns to the other creatures, "What?"

"Done with the Bloody big head. Bloody big head being the Red Queen." Cheshire spoke in long draws.

The Hatter wasn't having any talk, "Come, come we simply must commerce with the slaying inside. Therefore, it is high time just to pay for it, give whichever comes first or in any case a most convenient." He let a pocket watch dangle between his fingers.

"Well its Tickets, tickets again. Ticket-ticket-tickets" The hare bounced as he poured tea.

The cat swished around his teacup, "All this talk of blood and slain puts me off my P"

"Oh, Entire world is falling to ruins for chess's office T."

"What happened that day was not my fault" The color of red under Hatter's eyes grew a deep purple as his eyes turned a livid orange to match his hair.

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