battles lost and won

Start from the beginning

"You cannot go in there," Guardian sternly told her.

"Please, I've gotta get him—"

"Someone will get hurt—"

"Get out of my way!" The woman snapped, "My son, I have to get him—"

"Listen to me," Guardian said but the woman was still hysterical. He had to get her to trust him, and there was only one way to do so. He took off his helmet, staring the mother right in her eyes as she faltered, completely calm, "I will get him. You have to trust me."

He put his helmet back on, and ran into the burning building as the mother watched, tears streaming down her face. But she felt calm knowing her son would be saved.


Meanwhile, Winn had an fire extinguisher in his hand, putting out a fire near the computers before he quickly turned to the circular table, tablet in hand. He pressed a few buttons, seeing what he was going on before he panicked, "No, no, no. Ah!" He stammered, "Supergirl, the waterfront!"

"We're on our way."

Winn looked up at the screens and smiled to himself when he saw that behind a flying Supergirl and Alura, a familiar futuristic ship trailed behind them, "Okay...looks like we have some help."


A tsunami was about to crash into the city, but was stopped briefly from a certain woman floating in the air, her arm stretched out, stopping the wave, "You didn't think I'd miss out on the fun," Imra smiled as the Supers got closer, "You're up."

The mother and daughter whooshed past her, circling around it as they used their freeze breath to freeze the water.

Streets of National City

Guardian ran out of the burning building, with a little boy in his arms. He quickly kneeled down, placing the boy to his feet before the boy ran into his mother's arms. Guardian stood up, watching the two as the mother cried, "Thank you."

He nodded before running off to help more people in need.


Very quickly did the still tsunami turn into a massive block of ice, thanks to the Supers. They came up together right as the Legion Ship floated up, looking down on them and the ice, "You're all clear, kid. Now let's blow this thing and go home," Supergirl said.

"I assume that's some sort of film reference."

And Supergirl stared at the ship shocked, "We never showed you Star Wars? Not a single Star War?" She asked annoyed.

A large blast struck from the ship and onto the ice, and all crumbled together, hitting the warm water.

Somewhere Near Madagascar

The blue substance blurred away as J'onn looked shocked from what he saw. What his father showed him. He looked up when his father stood, while rocks surrounding them fell from the shaking.

Fire erupted around them as J'onn slowly stood, emotion filling his eyes, "I'm sorry I couldn't give you the rest," Myr'nn said.

"Don't apologize. Don't," J'onn said and Myr'nn smiled at him.

"I had a good life," he said and J'onn sighed, tears filling his eyes.

After a long moment, J'onn looked up at his father again, his voice breaking, "I'm not ready."

Finding You » SuperFlash {5} √Where stories live. Discover now