and I can't sweep you off of your feet

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Supergirl and Iris walked after Alex into the conference room of the facility, seeing that the woman was so angry, a reason the two best friends didn't know why. "Alex? Why are you fighting me so hard on this?" Supergirl asked and Alex looked back at the two.

"You realize that Purity is just toying with you, right?" Alex asked.

"If we have the chance to save Julia, we have to take it," Supergirl said.

"That is such a nice motto, Kara, but it's not very practical," Alex said.

"Excuse me?" Supergirl asked.

"No matter how much evidence piles up saying that you are wrong, you always hope," Alex said.

"That's my job," Supergirl said.

"Purity is evil. She is a Worldkiller. And there's two others out there just like her, endangering lives, and your feelings are costing us time," Alex told her.

"Okay, my feelings have saved lives countless times," Supergirl said but all Alex was smile annoyed before she tried to walk away. "Alex...wait. Listen to me," and Alex looked back at them. "I am used to you being pragmatic, but since when have you become so hard and cynical?"

"Well, not all of us are bulletproof, Kara," Alex sternly said.

"I know," Supergirl said.

"So, cynicism, that's what's keeping the rest of us alive," Alex said.

"It seems like it's killing you," Iris spoke up. "The Alex I know, Kara's sister, my friend, she has compassion for others."

"I am just trying to do my job. Now, we've tried it your way, we did. But now we're gonna do it mine," Alex said before she walked off.

The Legion's Ship

Wearing different clothes, out from his uniform from the morning, Mon-El was in the bridge of the ship with J'onn and Winn. He had the battery connected to the power source, trying to connect it the right way. "Okay, try it now," Winn said and Mon tried to power it up. But right as it powered up, it powered down. "Um, you know, is there like a user manual or something that we can take a look at for ideas?"

"Sprock!" Mon muttered to himself right as Imra walked in.

"I gather it's not going too well," she said.

"Uh, not at presently, but we will get there," J'onn said as Imra walked up to Mon.

"Brainy and I took a look into that Thysteria rock, but it was a dead end. Did you get the battery working?" Imra asked.

"No, but I'm handling it," Mon said.

"Okay. Did you try recalibration it?" Imra asked.

"Yes, Imra," Mon sighed. "I'm handling it."

"Okay, look, I may not be a twelfth-level intellect, Mon-El, but I'm sharp. And as I said last night," Imra began, causing Mon to look up at her. "There's no need of telling me anything twice. Ever."

She then began to walk off, while Mon looked at his friends embarrassed, not wanting them to know something was wrong between him and his wife. Seeing as how it was their business. "Imra, please don't do this," he said, looking back at her, who turned back to him.

"I'm just doing exactly what you told me when I joined the Legion. I'm just speaking the truth," she said before she walked out and Mon sighed.

He stood up while Winn looked at J'onn awkwardly. "Uh, I'm...I've got to check on the crystal," Winn said.

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