on my beating heart

Start from the beginning

"Iris told me that Demos got hit by three heat-vision blast at once," James said, "Nobody could have predicted that."

"You know, for just a second, you really had me believing that I could change the world."

"Winn, just stop, okay?" James said, "A lot of people would have died today if it wasn't for your technology. I mean...I would've died a hundred times over if it wasn't for you."

"Alex said that you were gonna see the Mayor? Get CatCo to put out the word that the city needs to stay safe," Winn asked.

"Yeah, but I came to see you first," James said.

"Okay, well, you should get back to CatCo. They're gonna...they're gonna need you," Winn said before he walked out of the room.

Iris sighed heavily before looking at James, "I should go...they're gonna start the shock therapy with Sam, soon," Iris told him and he nodded before she left the room as well.


Outside of the med bay, Iris walked up to Supergirl, The Flash, Alex, and Alura, the group watching as Lena set Sam up for the shock therapy, Ruby nervously sitting by, "Your friend Sam is strong," Alura said and Iris smiled.

"She's fighting for her daughter," Alex said before looking at Alura, "Like you."

Supergirl smiled happily before looking at her mother, "Mom...this is Alex," she said and Alura's eyes lit up before she hugged the human girl.

"I..." Alex wasn't expected to be hugged by the woman she met just ten minutes ago, but she happily hugged back while Supergirl, Iris, and The Flash smiled at them.

The two parted before Alura said, "You and your family rescued my daughter. I am indebted to you."

"Sometimes, I think she's the one that rescued us," Alex said right before Lena called out for them.

"Sam's ready," she said before the group stepped into the med bay, The Flash being the only man there. Which he didn't care for.

"Ruby," Iris sternly said and the girl looked at her, "I really think that you need to wait outside."

"No...I'm staying," Ruby said.

"Listen to me, baby," Sam said and Ruby looked down at her, "This is gonna hurt. It's gonna look scary. But your mom is a badass. She can handle it, okay?"

"You are a badass," Ruby said and Sam weakly smiled.

"Please go stand with Iris, okay?" Sam said and Ruby nodded before she walked over to Iris, who held her arms out for her.

The young girl entrapped herself in Iris's arms as Sam looked at Lena, "I'm ready."

Lena waited a few moments before pressing her tablet, sending shock waves all throughout Sam's body, causing her to scream out in pain. Iris held Ruby tighter when she felt the girl flinch in fear from it.

Sam went unconscious, presumably in the Dark Valley, but something odd happened. The building started to shake terribly, as well as the entire city. The group looked at each other concerned before Lena said, "I've got her. You go save the city."

"Let's go," Alex said before she, Alura, and The Flash ran out of the room.

"Be safe," Iris told Supergirl before she left and the two held intent eye contact, "Please be safe."

The heroine nodded, sending her best friend a small smile of assurance before running off as well. Iris and Ruby stepped near Lena, all of them staying close as they watched Sam.

The J'onzz Apartment

The substance around them stopped when their focus became unhinged from the shaking city around them, "This planet is no longer stable," Myr'nn said, "I can hear the screams. This world needs us," and J'onn sternly nodded.


Supergirl, The Flash, Mon-El, Winn, Alex, and Alura ran out onto the balcony of the facility, seeing the city before them scream in panic, the buildings crumbling, the citizens running, "It's starting," Supergirl muttered.

Just moments later, the group strutted through the facility towards the circular table as Winn read from his phone, "8.0 earthquake, tornadoes, and super storms over Madagascar?" Winn questioned before putting his phone away, "We got one-hundred percent chance of you guessed it, Reign."

"It's the terraforming," Supergirl said as the surrounded the table.

"On Zune, they terraformed her planet's natural resources, so they'd go right through the planet's core to create a genesis event," Mon explained to the group.

"Destroy all life in order to be reborn," Supergirl muttered.

"Exactly," Mon said.

"Go through the Earth's core, and you get pretty close to Madagascar," Alex said.

"Okay, so that's clearly what the witches are doing," Winn said before looking at Mon-El, "Can I ask how long it took this genesis event to be completed?"

"Hours," Mon answered.

"I'm not gonna let that happen," the group turned back to find J'onn in his DEO uniform and Myr'nn strutting towards them.

"The memories?" Alex asked as Myr'nn stood next to her.

"This was too important," he said as J'onn walked around to face everyone.

"Supergirl, Flash, Mon-El, damage control," J'onn ordered, "Alex, get every agent we have. Boots on the ground, evacuating. Winn, I want you to monitor everything from here. I'm gonna find out where this is coming from and stop it."

"Wait!" Myr'nn called, quickly walking up to his son, "Take me to the nexus point. If I shapeshift into the Earth, bond with it, I can stop this."

"It'd rip you apart," J'onn said.

"This is my son's home. I intend to save it with him," Myr'nn said and J'onn sadly nodded.

Before Mon-El could leave with Supergirl and The Flash, he zoomed up to the med bay, finding a panicked Iris holding a scared Ruby. He needed to see her if he it was the last.

"Iris," he called out and Iris looked back at him.

"Mon-El?" She questioned, stepping away from Ruby a moment and towards him, "What are you—" but he cut her off by desperately pressing his lips to hers, wrapping his arms around her tightly, like it was the last time.

Iris gasped when they parted, the two intently staring into each other's eyes. The world was ending, but all he cared about was seeing her one last time.

"Why did you...?"

"I love you."

As her hair flew up into the air from Mon-El zooming away, tears stung her eyes. The world was ending, but she just wanted him back.

AN: y'all don't understand how unready I am to write the next chapter.

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