Part 9

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Then I used Zeus blessing and flew up to the balcony " Miss me" I asked with a charming smirk on my face. " Come on Zuko let's go to the city". As if he was surrendering Zuko took my hand and sighed and smiled " yeah Percy let's go".

Percy POV
Me and Zuko were happily flying to the city to get Azulas present. Let's just say that it wasn't one-hundred percent legal. The salamander dog was completely okay to own it's just that because their so rare I had to buy it from the black lotus association. And from what I understand, they exist in all four kingdoms and are known for being selfish. But they can help you acquire whatever you need for the right price.

We landed in a deserted alley so two flying boys wouldn't bring that much attention. "Okay Zuko you need to follow my lead, and don't do anything stupid" I tell my brother. For some reason I feel like sarcasm in our family is genetic especially after he reply's "shouldn't I be saying that to you Percy". I give Zuko a quick roll of the eyes before heading out of the alley. He follows after me, we both are on high alert there's quite a few shady characters around. Eventually we arrive at a spot in the alley that looks cleaner then the rest of it.

There is a pitch black door I knock on it and say  "earth molds, fire creates, water flows, and wind blows, together they are a balance". The door opened, Zuko clung onto me as soon as he saw what was inside. ' Arn't I suppose to be the younger brother', anyway it didn't matter. There was cages with all sorts of creatures and humans that lines the walls.

I had meet with some people Ozai recommended to me, it was so I could make business and profit from the knowledge of my world. They told me about how if I wanted they could get me a slave. I was so mad when they told me this but I held it in, ' Annabeth would have been so proud of me'. Basically what I found out from them was that owning a slave was not technically legal in any of the four kingdoms. However what a lot of wealthy families would do is buy a slave and write in there account books they were giving them a salary. Which was not true, then the family would end up having money they could use to do more shady thing off the books.

The whole thing was disgusting to me, but if I cause a commotion here Ozai would be pissed. He doesn't seem like the kind of guy that would let me off the hook for that, unfortunately he would most likely take away Azula and Zuko. Since I cannot let that happen I have to avert my gaze to the humans in the cages.

The man that opened the door greeted me, "welcome lord Perseus, my lord has been waiting for you, with your package of course". I give a stiff nod to this, it is still taking everything in me not to kill this guy and free everyone. 

At last we reach the end of the cage hallway, it was perfect timing too, I'm not sure how much more of this Zuko could take. Sitting in a relatively clean cage was the salamander dog we came all this way for. In front of it was a overweight man that had adorned himself is fancy clothing and accessories. Non of which flattered him in any way. " Lord Perseus how kind of you you come all this way yourself", the man stated.

" It's truly nothing" I replied, the repulsion I felt looking at his face continued to grow. As quickly as possible I handed over the bag of money I prepared hoping to shorten my stay in this dreadful place. The fat man greedily accepted the bag and stared at the contents with eyes full of lust. Just I was about to announce my departure I heard a curdling scream come from behind a curtain. The fat man looked mortified that a scream was sounded. " I apologize Lord Perseus that you had to hear such a awful noise". The man preceded to draw back the curtain revealing a boy around Zukos age that had multiple injuries lying on the floor. There was a man holding a whip that had been set ablaze by his fire bending. The fat man walks toward the boy takes the whip and hits him. ' How dare you disturb our esteemed guest' the fat man yelled. This sight was truly revolting, no longer could I stand in the side and watch. I used the fire ability I had recently acquired to create a wall of bluish purple flames between the fat man and the boy.

" My lord, I don't understand", the fat man pleaded. ' Shit' I thought, ' seeing the boy be hit brought back too many memories of Gabe, and Tartarus'. I had to think quickly so this incident wouldn't cause a seen.

" How much for the boy" I asked loathing every word that came out of my mouth. I fear this is the only way for me to leave this place with the boy.

I thought the fat man look greedy before but when I asked that question he looked as though he found his golden goose.

Sorry I don't update often, I'm really busy IRL but I still appreciate all your reads. I never thought I would get this many. Also this chapter hasn't been edited so sorry. Please like and comment. 💜💜💜

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2023 ⏰

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