Part 3

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Percy looked up at the man I front of him with indifference not caring to get of the floor. The tall man just stood there staring at Percy in silence. There was more people there they were also wearing red robes but they weren't as nice as the tall mans. " My name is Ozai, I am the ruler of the fire nation". This got no reaction out of Percy in his head he was still mourning Annabeth and the other 7. The real reason he wanted to come to this world was to get away from the gods and other campers he knew they would only look at him with pity. Percys once piercing green eyes were shattered. He only put up a strong front in front of the gods, he didn't want them to worry for Percy. How ever horrible the gods were they still tried to help there children when they could have done nothing.

Ozai spoke again this time it seemed to get Percys attention immediately " I was also your mother's husband".

Percy POV

'What did he just say', I though 'well I knew mom had another ex-husband in this world'. I only had one question " was she happy here".
" She cared for her children" was all he said.
I stood up and asked " where are we", "this is the fire temple" Ozia replied. He continued to say " a week ago a spirt named Athena told me all about who you are and what you have done, you do seem a bit young for that many accomplishments". After he said that I looked at myself and what Apollo said was right I looked 10 years old here.

"I'm 16 but because of the time difference between the two worlds I look 10 here" I told him. " Oh I see" he says to me " are you a fire bender". I didn't know what a fire bender was but then I remembered Hades blessings and tries to create a flame in my hand. The temple was darkly lit and the flame came out as a blueish purple, in other words it was beautiful. " I don't know what a fire bender is but is this good enough" I told Ozai. " It's perfect" he said with a greedy look on his face, I hated that look.

I put my flame away and disappointment washed over Ozai's face. " I was told I have a brother and sister". " You do" he began " your sister Azula is remarkably talented and you brother Zuko shares your blood". I didn't like the way he talked about Zuko, it reminded me of how gods would neglect their children. " When can I see them" is all I said in response. " It will take four days to reach the palace, your siblings do not yet know of your existence let alone arrival" he told me with a bored expression.

We continue outside the temple and I saw a large navel ship that looked like it was used in WWI. It was night out when I looked up to the stars i said Bob says hello and followed behind Ozai.

Now that I had time to adjust to my surroundings I looked down and saw that my pants and shirt were way to big for my body. I really was the size of a 10 year old. When we reached the ship I saw the ocean it was so clean not yet tainted by pollution. It reminded me of when me and Annabeth had our under water kiss. Then my mind drifted to my friends that pushes us in the water. I wouldn't let myself cry in front of Ozai, something told me he was a man who didn't except weaknesses.

Ozai began to talk " because your backstory is so complicated on the surface you will just me my adopted son". " I will however tell Azula and Zuko about your relation". He made it seem like he was doing a huge favor, I didn't like it. Blackjack followed behind me I couldn't hear his voice that was another ability my father gave me. I could chose when you hear the voices of sea creatures and horses, right now I wasn't in the mood. We we're almost to the ship so this time I decided to speak first " where can I put blackjack" " what's a  blackjack" he replied, " My pegasus" I said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. " Do you mean that winged horse, it can go in the stables at the bottom of the ship". " Thanks" I allowed myself to hear blackjacks voice " Boss Boss Boss can you hear me say something, got any donuts". " Yes I can hear you" I say telepathically, " no I don't have donuts but I will try and find you some sugar cubes". " Got it boss" blackjack said " when we get on the ship can you go to the stable at the bottom" I told blackjack then turned off our mind link.

We finally got to the ship, there was a alarming amount of soldiers on it. I took one step on directly behind Ozai and thought ' my new life starts now'.

Sorry the chapters are so short for now I hope to make them longer later.

New start ( ATLAx PJO crossover)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin